Hi!! Looking for Nephrite-Naru (Nephlite-Molly) fanfiction and fanart? You're already at the biggest Nephrite-Naru (Nephlite-Molly) site on the Web! But if you're looking for some other cool stuff, here's my guide to help you find it. Links are in four different sections, Dark Kingdom Essentials, Mostly Sailor Moon, Other Anime I Like and Miscellaneous. Listings are in alphabetical order.

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Dark Kingdom Essentials

Dark Kingdom
In Russian. Lots of fanart, some nifty wallpapers (and if you can read Russian there are fanfics and other things too!). There are so few active Dark Kingdom sites around any more, I was happy to stumble across this one.

Dies Nox et Omnia
dalles's Dark Kingdom page, with profiles, fanart, and fanfics. Don't read the "Wannabe" parodies while you're trying to eat. Trust me on this. You'll also find dalles's haunting and insightful stories about Kunzite and Zoisite. dalles was also responsible for bringing "Circles" back to the Web, and you'll find it here.

Forgotten Fics
A site where some classic and now defunct Dark Kingdom sites have been reconstructed, including the legendary (and sorely missed) Scrumdiddlyumptious Dark Kingdom Love Revival! Part of the Lethes Banks collective.

A lovely shrine to Nephrite and Naru. Detailed episode summaries, character profiles, and analysis, and a small but very nice fanart section. Greenstone is now part of Air and Angels, a suite of anime pages. Something else I like here is a small shrine to Rei and Yuuichirou (Chad). Yes! They're arguably my second-favorite Sailor Moon couple.

In Metallia's Name
A Dark Kingdom page, mainly centered around Kunzite and Zoisite, with a variety of Gita Toronjil-Lee's fanfics, fanart, and information.

The Library
Official homepage of the Crystal Weaver Saga, THE Dark Kingdom epic. Lots here for the Nephrite/Naru fan!

Nephlite's Star Heaven
An online community dedicated to Nephlite/Nephrite, hosted by my pal Nephlite's Girl. (I don't know if this is supposed to be a link banner, but I thought it was so nifty I just had to take it!)

A Tumblr blog by new contributor Pieda the Mokona, dedicated to, of course, Nephrite and Naru.

Nephrite's Sacrosanctuary
Yes, the Sacrosanctuary is back! Dark Amethyst's fan art collection, and an awesome screen shot gallery.

Peppermint Storm
A shrine to the Kings from the manga. No Nephrite/Naru goodness - they never met in the manga - but this site does have a collection of fanart by Astrodonna and Soylent Green, which have become hard to find since the Dark Kingdom Love Revival shut down.

Stayka's Dark Kingdom Home
A great collection of fanfics and fanart, and an extensive screen shot gallery -- if you want it, Stayka's probably got it! You'll find the Crystal Weaver Saga, the web's awesomely best and biggest DK epic, here. As far as I can tell, Stayka's is the only DK site besides mine that is still being updated.

General Sailor Moon Sites

Watch Sailor Moon online!
Instead of buying nasty bootlegged copies (and giving your money to criminals) or downloading potentially virus-laden torrents, try watching on one of these sites:
Watch Sailor Moon (dubbed)
AnimeFreak (subtitled and dubbed)

Ariashii (formerly Aitsu Sweetheart)
Multimedia resource site for Sailor Moon and other Magical Girl anime/manga. Graphics, contests, downloads, and more! *Newly re-vamped site still under construction, with new stuff going up every day, and lots of fun stuff to come.

The Chibi Project
One Chibi Moon PVC action figure plus a team of "scientists" with waaaaay too much time on their hands equals lots of great ideas for fun and educational summer activities. One of the funniest websites I've ever seen.

.moon - the living fandom
Huge fanfiction archive, featuring Sailor Moon but with lots of other fandoms too (especially Harry Potter and Rurouni Kenshin).

The Definitive Sailor Moon Fanfiction Directory
A large directory of links to Sailor Moon fanfiction sites.

Every kind of nerdery imaginable
Tumblr blog dedicated to Sailor Moon and tons of other anime.

Moon Kingdom
Lady1Venus's Sailor Moon forum. Sign up and join in the fun!

Funny Sailor Moon comics.

Once Upon A Moon Kingdom
A wide variety of fun Sailor Moon stuff. Hint for finding it: she's got the cutest link buttons! but they don't look like link buttons ^_^

The Oracle
THE Sailor Moon resource: encyclopedia, graphics, games, episode downloads, gazillions of screencaps, and more!

Project WikiMoon
A gold mine of information about all things Sailor Moon, wiki-style. Information I got from it just may have saved my fic "Starfire." Hint: type "shitennou" in the search box, then go to each General's page to check out a picture of each of them in their PGSM live-action garb. I didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or be appalled at the hideous indignity inflicted on the poor guys. Well, with Jadeite it was just laugh hysterically.

Sailor Moon Expanded
One of my earliest Sailor Moon online discoveries. A shared expanded fanfic universe delving back into the history of the Dark Kingdom and reaching into the far future of Crystal Tokyo. It seems to have mostly gone dormant, but still has some fun stuff.

Sailor Moon Uncensored
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - and a lot of really interesting opinions! A detailed comparison of the Japanese vs. North American versions of Sailor Moon.

Other Anime I Like

DS822: Ravenwood's Anime Home Page
A very interesting and intelligent collection of pages on various anime topics and series. Of particular interest are "Ravenwood's Illustrated Discussions of Sailor Moon," thought-provoking, literate essays on relationships, gender, and symbolism in Sailor Moon, and "The Following is a Work of Fiction," writings on various fanfiction topics and Ravenwood's own beautifully-written fiction. Also of considerable use to fic writers is "What Color Is the Sunset?", a graphic guide to colors. Now I know that Nephrite's eyes are cobalt blue.

The Agent Orange Collection
Cowboy Bebop fanfiction. Agent Orange has Ed's "voice" down cold.

Sand and Light
An epic "virtual sequel" to Trigun.

Do Good

The Animal Rescue Site
Click to donate food to animals in shelters.

The Hunger Site
Click to donate food to the world's hungry.

Free Kibble for Dogs and Free Kibble for Cats
Play a fun trivia game and help feed hungry animals in shelters!

Feeding Pets of the Homeless
Donate to help provide food for pets of the homeless and less-fortunate.

Free Rice
Play a fun game and every correct answer wins ten grains of rice to feed the hungry. (Warning - this is addictive!)

PETA Kills Animals
Learn the truth about this supposed "animal rights" organization.


Sanjouin DaCapo's Stores

Besides being a talented creator of fanfics and fanart, Sanjouin DaCapo designs wonderful bird-themed t-shirts and other items. Check out her online stores!
Birdbrain Art Studios
The Red Macaw
DaCapo Walworth

Kyra Halland - Welcome to My Worlds
*shameless self promotion* My professional author website, where you can find information about my original fiction and also my author blog. If you like my Nephrite/Naru romances, you might enjoy my romantic fantasy novels ^_^

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