New Beginnings
By Lady1Venus

Chapter 12 - Destruction

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The scouts, ex-generals, Starlights and four Sisters entered the outskirts of the Negaverse. This was the first time, the scouts had been to the Negaverse since the day they killed Beryl the first time. They couldn’t believe that the place hadn’t changed any. The tunnels reminded them of when they fought against Malachite.

“This brings back too many memories,” Venus said as she cuddled Malachite. “Thank god Artemis and Luna stayed in the mansion.”

“I know what you mean,” he said. “We must head to the throne room. That is where Beryl will be waiting for us.”

“Warning. They are more powerful here,” Jedite said. “We are now fighting on their turf.”

“And we may bump into trouble along the way,” Zoisite said.

“I don’t care,” Sailor Moon said. “Queen Beryl has taken this too far. She first crashed Mina’s party, making Molly miscarry. Then she sends Mina’s own son to learn about us and then has clones of us made.”

“Hold it right there.”

The scouts turned and not to their surprise it was Mistress 9 and Tellu.

“We haven’t had our share in a long while,” Tellu said as she was holding a plant in her hand. “My plants will finish you off.”

“Just like you tried to do the first time,” Pluto said. “As I recall, you were swallowed by your creation.”

“Yes but this time, my precious plant won’t fail me.” Tellu threw her plant on the ground, allowing the pot to shatter. The plant then started to grow. As it grew, it grabbed Sailor Moon and Sailor Sun. Both scouts screamed as they tentacles started to squeeze them.

“I won’t allow you to use plants against us,” Sailor Earth said. “EARTH QUAKE FIRE!”

Part of the planet was destroyed in seconds. The blast stunned the tentacles and dropped the two scouts.

“That sounds like fun,” Jupiter said. “Let me have a go. JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!”

Mistress 9 held up her hand blocking Jupiter’s attack. “Don’t think that we weren’t prepared. If it weren’t for Sailor Moon’s good luck, the world have been mine.”

“Yes and you were using my body to get it,” Saturn snarled. “And now I have returned with good powers, though I can still destroy. SILENCE GLAIVE!”

Saturn swung out her glaive allowing the power to swing out and hit Mistress 9. Mistress 9 wasn’t expecting the attack like that from the weak scout.

Something from out of nowhere slammed into the glaive, snapping it out of Saturn’s hands. The glaive went into Tellu’s waiting hands. “Well this is a powerful weapon. Could to used for the Negaverse.”

“Use it on the scouts,” Mongo said as he appeared. “But be sure...”

“Yeah I know already.” Tellu aimed the glaive at the scouts. “Silence Glaive.” A power swiftly pored out of the glaive slamming into the scouts. Tellu laughed as she watched them try to get up.

“It works well,” Mistress 9 said as she stood back up. “But the glaive is mine.”


A huge swing of power came out of nowhere, knocking the glaive out of Tellu’s hands.

Everyone turned to see the Amazon Trio and Quartet come running. Tiger’s Eye ran up to Sailor Moon and helped her up. “Can’t have a party without us.”

“This concerns all of us,” Fish Eye said.

“Retreat for now,” Mongo said. The three warriors vanished.

“Thanks,” Saturn said as JunJun helped her. “We might as well work together.”

“Good idea. And we also brought alone the Aliens,” CereCere said picking up the glaive and handing it to Saturn.

“Hope you don’t mind,” Alan said.

“Not at all,” said Zoisite. “The more the better.”

“Why don’t we teleport to Beryl’s throne room,” Mars suggested. “It will be a lot easier then to fight our way there and then have no power left to finish her off.”

“Everyone stand in a circle,” Malachite said. “And hold hands.”

When the huge circle was created a puff of wind emitted from everyone and they flashed to the throne room where Beryl was waiting patiently.

“Welcome Scouts,” she said. “I’ve been waiting. I’m surprised that you decided to have my home as your burial. It will please me to have your broken bones scattered across the Negaverse.”

“That won’t happened,” Sailor Moon snarled. “You won’t have the universe and you won’t have Darien. I swear it on Queen Serenity’s grave.”

“And it will soon be yours Moon Princess.” Beryl swung her staff into the air, high above the scouts. A flash of light brightened the whole room, blinding the scouts. Beryl laughed. “Can’t fight when you can’t see now can you?”

“Cardian Yusha. Come forth,” Alan called and used his flute, blind, to awaken the card. “Smash that ball of light.”

Beryl looked up suddenly as she saw a creature appear out of the blue and fly up towards the ball of light. Beryl grinned as she threw her hands up to block the creature’s plan. A dark shield covered around the ball, preventing the creature in destroying it.

Yusha tried and tried again to brake through the shield but it was no use. She turned and saw what was blocking the ball. She then charged down towards the source but stopped short as she watched the scouts getting attacked blinded. They couldn’t fire their attacks, afraid of hitting each other. So all they could do was fight with punches and kicks but it wasn’t working out well.

Ghostal, who appeared in the shadows saw this and knew she had to help. She jumped out towards the ball, bringing her body to smash into the ball. She knew her body could get through the shield but she didn’t know if she would make it.

The ball shattered placing the room back to it’s normal light. Ghostal went flying into a wall, loosing consciousness. When the scouts knew they could see, they began their attacks but the enemy still had the upper hand.

Sailor Venus was pinned to the floor with Rubeus. He was on top of her holding her hands down, kissing her neck. When she could see again, she clenched her hands into fists and head bunted him in the head. The bunt didn’t phase him but it did release his hold her on her a bit. Enough so that she swung her hands out and punch him in the face. She quickly got off the floor and checked out the surroundings.

Sailor Moon was busy with Diamond and Jupiter was struggling with Sapphire. The others were too busy trying to keep the Team 5 at bay. She looked up at Beryl and saw the smug look. Beryl didn’t even notice her.

Venus started to charge towards Beryl but something caught her ankle. She knew it was Rubeus even before looking. She knelt to the floor and twisted her body so she was on her back and the kicked him with her other leg.

“I’ve had enough of you!” she yelled. She kicked him a few times before he let go. When he did, he started to nurse a broken nose.

“Venus Crescent Beam Smash!” Venus’s beam sprang from her finger and slammed into Rubeus. His eyes looked up in horror and watched her run towards...he couldn’t make out what she was running towards. His eyesight was fading.

“Sailor Moon,” Venus yelled. “Duck for kick throw!”

Sailor Moon looked up and saw Venus coming towards her at top speed. Sailor Moon smiled as she realized what Venus was about to do. She ducked just as Venus jumped into the air and as Venus went over Sailor Moon’s head, Sailor Moon stood. She grabbed Venus’s other leg and then started swinging in circles.

Venus’s other leg was stretched out, hitting anyone that was in the way. Prince Diamond and some youma stumbled to the floor from the force of the kick. Sailor Moon released her sister and Venus did a summersault in the air and landed beside her leader.

“Time to do some double teaming!” Venus said.

“Right with you,” Sailor Moon said.

Queen Beryl was suddenly taken aback as she watched Venus and Sailor Moon do their attack. She couldn’t believe how much the two girls worked together.

“Mind if we join the party?”

Beryl turned and saw Alan and Anne behind her. “You! I thought you were finished off!”

“No we survived and thanks to Sailor Moon, we were able to live again without negative energy,” Alan said. “Oh and the Doom Tree is still alive but it’s now it’s original name ‘The Tree of Life’.”

“Well the tree won’t survive after today.”

“Think again.” A white blur quickly dropped from the ceiling and landed between the aliens and Beryl.

“Ghostal! You traitor.”

“Yeah I am a traitor but after today I won’t be. I’m either going to die here or live to see tomorrow as a human once again.”

Beryl’s eyes began to flicker, as she was about to attack the ghost.

“Aliens jump. Now!” Ghostal yelled.

Just as the three was about to jump a blast came from behind them and struck Queen Beryl. Her scream ended the battle. The youma who were in the room suddenly disappeared.

Everyone watched Beryl slump to the floor as they thought it was the aliens and Ghostal who assaulted Beryl.

Sapphire and Diamond suddenly felt a strong pain and collapsed to the floor. Something was happening to them. A strong force was trying to break through a barrier but what was the barrier, they didn’t know.







The six blasts then fired upon some of the remaining minions as they were hit, off guard. They didn’t care who was hit, just as long as some of the minions were blasted for good.


The seven Amazon fighters decided to take advantaged as well. And their attack also crushed some of the remaining minions.

Sailor Moon and Venus turned and saw the attacks. The powers were too bright that they couldn’t see. When the light faded, all that remained was the Dark Moon Family, Kaorinite, Tellu and a few members of Team 5. But everyone who remained was injured.

Sailor Jupiter stood, nursing a bruising arm. Sapphire laid at her feet, struggling to breath. Her compassion over the rest of her friends, allowed her to forget about Sapphire. She ran over and helped Zoisite up.

Except for some cuts on his face from Emeralds nails and his hair was mostly out of his ponytail, he faired pretty good. Malachite was also beside Zoisite but he was on his feet before Jupiter could offer her hand.

Malachite walked over to Venus. “Are you alright?”

“I am but I don’t think Rubeus is,” she joked. She pointed to where Rubeus laid and she noticed that his eyes were opened.

Malachite also looked and saw him still breathing but his breaths were ragged. Malachite knew Rubeus’s life was almost over.

With his arm around Venus he walked over to the fallen villain. “That is why Venus is mine. And for your dieing thoughts...” Just to taunt Rubeus further, Malachite swung Venus into his arms and kissed her long and passionately.

Rubeus watched in anger as his last knowing vision was watching the woman he wanted to kiss another. His vision eventually faded, as did his life.

Tuxedo Mask got up from where he was thrown, he didn’t know who it was but had his suspicions, and walked over to his future queen and kissed her. The battle was over.

Beryl watched with horrified eyes as the scouts kissed their men. The only one she didn’t see kiss was Neflite and...Sailor Earth. They were too busy hugging each other in relief.

Prisma, after getting over how quickly it was over, walked over to Sapphire. She placed a hand on his shoulder and felt two different energies battling each other within his soul. “Katsy, check Diamond. I have theory.”

Katsy not sure why, did as her sister asked. She did the same as Prisma and felt two energies. “What is that?”

“Negative and Good Energy,” Prisma stated.

The scouts stopped their mushy moment and gathered around Prisma.

“What do you mean?” Sailor Moon asked.

“You told me that both Sapphire and Prince Diamond died with compassion in their hearts. What if that compassion remained when they came back? What if they have been controlled by Beryl like Darien was when he was brainwashed?”

“That is plausible,” Neflite said with his arms around his wife. “Beryl had us under control.”

“Let’s test that theory,” Hawk’s Eye said. “Sailor Moon. Why don’t you use your crystal on them? If they are still evil...well we know the ending to that. But if they aren’t, they can be healed. Just like we were by Pegasus and you.”

“I...I...don’t know,” Sailor Moon stuttered. “They tried to capture us to be part of the Negaverse.”

“Sailor Moon,” ParaPara said. “You didn’t feel like that when you convinced as to join your team. We were all enemies to you and yet you found it in your heart to give us all another chance.” ParaPara pointed out to all the scouts’ friends who were enemies once.

“She has a point,” Avery said. “You healed me and my sisters. From you healing the Doom Tree, you healed the aliens. Your power of compassion helped give the Amazon Trio back their lives and gave them dream mirrors. You taught the Amazon Quartet the value of growing up and showing them that girl power doesn’t work around powers but your heart, and finally the ex-generals. They came back good and you gave them a chance as well.”

“Look at me Serena,” Earth said. “As much as I hate him and always will, I feel he should have a chance too. I forgave you when you lied to me about being Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Moon looked at her friends and saw the truth in what they were saying. She did help them and gave them a second chance. Deciding on what to do, she placed her hand over her heart. Her hand started to glow and when she removed her hand, the silver crystal was in the palm.

With the crystal high above her head she spoke. “Moon Crystal Healing Power!”

The glow of the crystal, glowed bright and the two fallen Dark Moon Family members were engulfed in the light. As the light started to fade, the two men slowly stood.

Prince Diamond looked at himself and then at Sailor Moon. “Thank you,” he said gently. “Queen Beryl had such a strong hold on us that we couldn’t even think for ourselves.”

“Princess Serena.”

Sailor Moon looked up and saw the spirit of her mother.

“Queen Serenity.”

“Well done. All of you,” the ghost said. “You have proven yourselves as worthy friends to my daughter. However there is still one more person to save.” Queen Serenity pointed over to one corner and saw a four-year old child.

“The power of the crystal also healed a little boy who was also controlled by Beryl.”

Sailor Venus looked over and saw him. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She looked back the queen. “I don’t understand.”

“My powers and the crystal have turned your son back into a boy. Sailor Venus you have been given a chance to start over. This time the right way.”

Without another thought, Sailor Venus ran over to the boy and hugged him. His eyes opened as he heard sobbing.

“Mommy,” the boy said. “What happened?”

“Nothing sweetie,” Venus said. “Nothing.”

Malachite looked at the queen. “Now I’m confused.”

“Join them Malachite,” the queen said. “The crystal has turned him back with no memories. However if trouble should strike again, he will turn into a man and fight along side you.”

Malachite smiled and walked over to his family.

“You have won,” Serenity said. “Oh and there’s one more thing. Someone who could use some saving as well.”

A flash of light sparked from Serenity’s hands and suddenly Jenna and her youma were in the room.

“Be good,” Serenity said to the woman.

Jenna looked up. “Who are you?”

“I am Sailor Moon’s true mother. Queen Serenity. You have a lot of forgiving to do and it will take time. Youma. Once you leave this place, your humanity will return. Be good to each other.”

Queen Serenity floated up and faded.

“Not to cut things short,” Uranus said. “But can we get the hell out of here. The Negaverse could collapse at any minute and I would like to be home where it’s sunny and there’s lots of snow right now.”

“Good idea,” Sailor Moon smiled. She walked over to her sister. “Sis, it’s time to go.”

Venus looked up and nodded. With her son in her hands, she stood and walked over to the group. She reluctantly handed her son to Prisma. But it was necessary as the scouts were going to do ‘Sailor Teleport’.

All eleven scouts and ex-generals stood in a circle and the others were in the middle. Each scout shouted out their power and then all together they shouted. “SAILOR TELEPORT!”

When they were gone, a dark creature walked out of the shadows and towards Queen Beryl, who still was alive.

“Well Queen Beryl, I guess it’s the end of the line for you,” he mocked.

“Magnus,” she crocked. She looked up and saw a man wearing nothing but a black cloak. She couldn’t even see his eyes until he pulled the cloak away from his face. His blue eyes sparkled over her weak ones.

“I win and you loose. And just for the record. I survived by escaping before Sailor Moon defeated you. And now with my help she has defeated for good. Now it’s my turn at bat.”

He laughed as he watched Queen Beryl go into shock. He was the one who fired the attacked that has made her demise. He continued to laugh as he watched her cold eyes go from hatred to lifeless. When he knew she was gone. He kicked her.

“I will get my revenge. I wanted the throne and now it’s mine. I will succeed in where you failed,” he laughed mechanically.

* * * * * * * *

The scouts arrived back at the mansion. And as they began to move away from the circle, Luna and Artimus came running out. Prima handed the boy back to his mother.

“You did it,” Luna said happily. Sailor Moon bent down as Luna ran into her arms and began to purr. Sailor Moon was too happy to say anything.

“Hey Pluto,” Sailor Star Fighter said. “Look out.”

Pluto turned just as a snowball landed in her face. She brushed the snow off and smirked. “You Jerk.” She picked up a snowball and threw it at her friend.

All to soon most of the scouts were in a middle of a snowball fight. Sailor Venus and Malachite backed away from the fight and cuddled each other by a snow-covered bench. Artimus followed and jumped on to the bench.

“Who’s he?”

“Our son,” Malachite said. “The power of the crystal transformed him back to a child.”

Venus cuddled the boy against her chest as Malachite took off his cape and wrapped it around his girlfriend and son. Every time, Malachite was to battle he always wore his old Negaverse uniform. Sailor Venus’s family was complete.

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return to Index / go to Epilogue

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury