New Beginnings
By Lady1Venus

Chapter 2 - Revenge Begins

* * * * * * * *

It had been a very tiring day for the jewelry store OSAP owner Mrs. Jenna Baker, who spent most of the day avoiding the media. Molly had pressed charges shortly before her wedding and now the media wouldn't leave Jenna alone. Customers weren't shopping as much at OSAP. Why would they? The owner had done far worse than murders or rapists could do. She had betrayed her own family.

Jenna was in the process of closing the store for the evening when she sensed a presence behind her.

"I'm sorry, but we're closing," Jenna said.

The person didn't say a word. Jenna became irritated. She turned, expecting a reporter. "I said we're...YOU!"

Jenna was surprised at the man standing behind her at the entrance, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His cape was flowing behind him from a breeze coming from outside.

"What, no welcoming hello," he smirked. He moved away from the door.

"What the hell brings you here?" Jenna snapped.

"Touchy, touchy," he said. "I've come to make you an offer you can't refuse."

"And what the hell is that?"

"Such language," he said. "Well, we'll keep the reporters off your back."

"Why do I sense a catch to this?" She glared at the man.

"You do catch on quickly, don't you?" Prince Diamond couldn't help but taunt her. "You will join us. You'd be a powerful ally to us."

"You came as a messenger from her majesty, didn't you!" she screamed. She went to launch out at Diamond but suddenly she couldn't move her arms.

She looked at her arms as two people appeared holding her restrained, Sailor Tin Cat and Sailor Lead Crow. Jenna hadn't seen them show up, let alone that they were holding her.

"You double-crossing back stabber!" Jenna sneered.

Diamond looked at her and fingered his chin as if he was thinking, taunting her again, then crossed his arms once. "You know something. You're right. I am a double-crosser and a backstabber. Take her to the queen while I finish up what she was doing," Diamond commanded.

"What are you going to do?" Jenna asked.

"Well, soon you will have no use for this store. So I'm going to close it up for good." Diamond smiled.

Jenna knew better than to ask what Diamond meant and even if she did, she wouldn't find out. She kept her mouth shut as the room started to fade.

* * * * * * * *

After the aliens had landed on Earth, it took them a week to explain to the scouts why they were back. Alan couldn't believe how beautiful and mature Serena looked now. Also, when he first arrived back on Earth, he couldn't help but admire how beautiful Molly had become.

"Serena, if it wasn't for your usual hair style, I don't think I'd be able to recognize you," Alan said.

Jedite started to chuckle.

"Thank you," Serena said and then turned to Jedite. "You're one to talk, Jedite. Without the 'gray' uniform, you're hard to recognize."

Zoisite leaned back and gave a hearty laugh. "Ah, you kill me!"

"Very funny," Jedite said. He picked up a pillow that he was sitting on and threw it at Zoisite. Zoisite did not have time to dodge it; it caught him in the face. He stood, about to throw the pillow back when Neflite stepped in.

"What are you doing, trying to kill each other?" Neflite asked. "That was my job."

"Of course," Jedite answered. "And look what it cost you, your life."

"You're going to have to use something stronger than a pillow to kill that sneaky weasel Zoisite," Neflite said, ignoring the last comment.

"Hey!" Zoisite protested.

"Jedite, you better quit while you're ahead," Lita said.

"Ok, ok," Jedite said. "I'll shut up now."

"That will be a first," Malachite said.

"Is it just me, or do you guys do this all the time?" Anne asked.

"They do it all the time," Trista said.

"Has anyone seen Mina?" Malachite asked changing the subject.

"The last time I saw her, she was heading upstairs," Neflite said. "Probably upstairs with Molly. She left shortly after Molly did."

"She is so lucky to have all of you as her friends," Anne said. "I still can't believe what the Negaverse did to her."

"In the future, Anne, don't mention that in front of Neflite," Malachite said as he heard Neflite give a low growl.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" Serena asked.

"They are outside putting up decorations. For the party next week," Neflite said.

"What party?" Alan asked.

"It's a costume birthday party for Mina," Lita said. "Instead of a regular party, we all dress up. It was a surprise party but someone let the cat of the bag."

"Lita, I did not tell her," Serena said. She knew that Lita was accusing her. "I think it was Sammy."

"Why would Sammy tell Mina?" Malachite asked.

"Try to get me in trouble like always," Serena said.

"That's no surprise," Amy said. "He tries to get you into trouble all the time. I remember when he got you into trouble when your parents first found out that you were going out with Darien. Your father got very angry."

"That was until Mrs. Tsukino had a talk with him," Lita said. "Rita, what are you guys dressing up as for the party?"

"We are dressing up from the main characters from the American Animated movie 'Quest for Camelot'," Rita said. "I'm going as Kayley, the girl who went to find Excalibur and Andrew is going as the blind man, Garret, who helped Kayley. I'm going to get Elizabeth to baby-sit the boys."

"I believe we will go as the Sailor Scouts," Raye said. "But don't quote me on that."

"Don't worry, I won't," Jedite said.

"One more wisecrack out of you," Raye said. "And I'll hit you like I hit Chad with the broom."

"Way to go Jedite. You're in for it now," Zoisite laughed but someone hit him in the arm.

"Ow," he whined and nursed his arm. "Who hit me?"

"I did," Amy said.

"Well I hate to say it," Andrew said. "But we have to go."

"Well it was nice that you guys came over," Neflite said. "Remember, my home is open to you all."

"Thanks, Neflite," Rita said. She got up and prepared to leave. Before she and Andrew were out the door, she said. "Later everyone."

"Later," everyone said.

When Rita and Andrew were gone, Malachite looked towards the stairs and said. "I wonder what is taking Mina so long."

"Malachite, don't forget she was also pregnant once," Raye said.

"How could I forget that?" Malachite asked.

"Well I'm going to see what's taking them so long," Neflite said.

* * * * * * * *

In the master bedroom, Mina and Molly were sitting on the bed. The girls were talking about anything and everything having to do with babies. Molly was enjoying the company.

"Mina, you make pregnancy sound difficult," Molly said.

"I was alone when I carried my son. I never told anyone. You, on the other hand, have one of the best men to ever grace the face of the Earth to help look after you."

"You have one as well," Molly said.

"Well, I basically have to say we all do. Our men are just a few men who would move through heaven and hell just to care for us." Mina was about to speak again when a knock came from the door.

"Excuse me ladies," Neflite said, poking his head around the door. "Mind if I come and join your conversation?"

"Well, it all depends, we are talking about you," Mina joked.

"Oh, I'm hurt," he teased. He placed his hand over his heart and tried to do puppy eyes but failed.

"Mina was talking about how I have one of the best men in the world as my husband," Molly said.

"I'll go along with that," Neflite smiled.

"Well, I think I've taken up enough of your time, Molly. I'm going to get going and go home. I have a million things to do tomorrow."

"Ok, take care of yourself Mina," Molly said.

"Thanks," Mina said as she left the room.

As she left, she took a quick glance back and saw the couple embrace in a passionate kiss. When she got back downstairs she went up behind Malachite and wrapped her arms around his waist. The touch startled him but not enough to attract attention. She was the only one who knew that she startled him.

"Jumpy tonight?" she asked quietly.

"Only when a pair of soft hands comes up behind me," Malachite said quietly back.

"Mom and dad are coming tomorrow and the apartment is a mess."

"So you want to get going," Malachite said.

"Yeah. But let's wait until Neflite comes back down. He knows that some of us are leaving so he'll come down and say good-bye.

"Do you know that could take a while?"

"Malachite, that's being rude. Molly is pregnant and she gets tired a lot. I know exactly how she feels."

"Why didn't you ever have an abortion?" Malachite asked.

"Well, for one I don't believe in it and two the baby was my only link to you."

Malachite turned in Mina's arms, making her move them, at this new information. The woman of his dreams had his child from one night of passion just so she had a reminder of him.

"Ahem. Excuse me blondes; it might help if you snap out of it. Neflite's coming back down," Zoisite said.

The two blondes whipped their heads and glared at Zoisite.

"Jeesh, if looks could kill," Zoisite said.

"What's with the icy glares towards you, Zoisite?" Neflite asked walking back in the room.

"I guess I interrupted another silent conversation," Zoisite said backing up.

"You have to stop doing that," Neflite said.

"Tell me about it," Zoisite said. "So how's your beautiful wife?

"Sucking up?" Neflite teased.

"You wish. I'm concerned for her and she is beautiful like the rest of these lovely ladies in the room."

"Someone is sucking up," Hotaru said quietly but everyone heard.

Everyone laughed.

"Hey!" Zoisite said.

"Watch out, here comes Malachite," Lita said.

Zoisite turned to see Malachite standing beside him.

"Neflite, Mina and I are leaving now. So I'll see you guys later." Malachite continued to walk by Zoisite followed by Mina.

When the blondes were gone, Neflite said. "Well, I'm heading off to bed. Whoever is staying make sure you lock up and whoever isn't, goodnight." Neflite turned back around and headed upstairs.

For the next couple hours, the remaining scouts sat up and played some games. When it got pretty late, Darien decided to pull the plug with the games. Serena and Darien were the only ones staying so they kicked everyone else out.

* * * * * * * *

In the throne room of the Negaverse, Queen Beryl's main warriors stood waiting for her arrival. Beryl had demanded that her minions assemble in the throne room. When Beryl arrived, a loud roaring thunder with a crack of lighting hit the floor in front of the throne, revealing the queen.

"Your majesty," everyone said as they bowed, placing their hands on their chests.

When the queen was seated on the throne, everyone straightened back up. The queen sat in silence for a few moments, scanning the group before her.

"Rubeus has informed me of an event that the Sailor Scouts are having," the queen said. "Rubeus."

"Yes, my queen," he said. He took the hint to continue. "The Scouts are having a costume birthday party for Sailor Venus. Everyone at the party will be dressed up. I've come with a plan to crash this party."

"What is the purpose of this plan?" Beryl asked, intrigued.

"The purpose is to begin your revenge, your majesty. And to start confusing the public. I believe the Scouts will go as their annoying selves to ensure there are no problems. People will start to wonder when the Sailor Scouts arrive on the scene looking exactly like their friends and the friends are nowhere to be found."

"This does sound promising. What do you think, Jenna?" The queen looked to her right to see Molly's mother standing by her throne but keeping her distance from the evil queen.

"If you harm Molly, she will close herself off to everyone, even to Neflite. She'll think no one will understand her pain. But she is my daughter!"

"You should have thought of that before asking for my services," Beryl said. "Rubeus, put your plan into motion. However, you will not be on this mission. Assign someone else the job. I have another job for you. You are to help Mongo find the other generals who never had the chance to battle those brats. Two of them have already been found."

"Yes, your majesty," Rubeus said with a bow.

"With that out of the way, I want Kaorinite and Mistress 9 to remain here to listen to my plan for the Stantons. The rest of you are dismissed."

Only Kaorinite and Mistress 9 stayed behind when everyone else, including Jenna, left the room.

* * * * * * * *

In the training chambers, Rubeus had gathered the rest of the warriors to discuss his plan.

"Tellulu, I'm putting you in charge of this mission. Viluy and Sailor Lead Crow will be part of the team. Your mission is to only distract the Sailor Scouts while Queen Beryl carries out her plan for the Stantons. I want you to attack the Sailor Scouts, but the Sailor Scouts are to win."

Everyone in the room gasped.

"But don't make it too easy for them. The party is next week so be prepared."

As the group departed, Rubeus silently gestured for Mongo to stay behind. When the two men were left alone, Rubeus continued.

"What two generals have been found?"

"Zincite and Columbite. They are two rivals to Jedite. But they are as strong as him."

"Great. Two more generals with mineral names."

"From what Zincite says," Mongo said, "all the generals have mineral names."

"Do you have any idea why Beryl wants you to become friends with Venus?"

"No, and it's driving me crazy. When Sapphire believes I'm ready, my assignment begins. I don't even understand why Beryl wants all the scouts captured one by one."

"One thing I've learned in the past is don't defy the queen's wishes. Now let's go find those generals. I have the feeling she wants these generals to meet the annoying Sailors."

* * * * * * * *

The night of Mina's birthday finally arrived. The Sailor Scouts had everything ready for the costume party. They wanted to give her a night of fun but couldn't take the risk of the Negaverse attacking. The party was being held at Neflite's mansion.

Rita and Andrew were the first to arrive. Just as Rita had said, they had dressed from the movie 'Quest for Camelot'. Rita wore a long blue-sleeved body suit with matching leggings. Over the body suit was an orange and purple tunic. A brown belt and boots completed the ensemble. Her hair was done in a loose ponytail.

Andrew had on blue tights to match tunic. Much like what Rita was wearing, Andrew was a dark green tunic. He wore brown boots to match, and carried a long walking stick, just like Garret in the movie.

While Rita and Andrew waited for the other quests to arrive, they went to the living room and talked with the two aliens who were disguised as themselves.

Alan noticed that Andrew was giving him an odd look. "Andrew, going as ourselves is going to be great."

"Since it's a costume," Anne said, "no one will realize that we really are aliens from another world." Anne heard a noise behind her and turned to see Neflite approaching her. "Whoa, Neflite!"

"What, don't you like it?" Neflite asked. He was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera.

"So who are you?" asked Alan

"I'm Eric from The Phantom of the Opera. It's a famous book which has been made into movies and a musical."

"What's Molly going to be?" Rita asked.

"She's Christine, the Phantom's one true love," Neflite said.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Serena, Darien," Anne said.

"The other scouts are outside putting up the last of the refreshments," Darien said.

"We're waiting for Molly and then we'll be out," Rita said.

Serena and Darien left the room and headed to the back where the party was being held.

* * * * * * * *

By seven, all the guests were at the party. Molly and Neflite greeted their guests, as the birthday girl was too busy having a ball. Over in one corner of the party, the ex-generals and the Starlights were having a discussion. Malachite was dressed as a wizard, Zoisite was Dracula, Jedite was a knight, and the Starlights were the three Musketeers.

"Malachite, don't you find Mina is actually a bit weird tonight?" Seiya asked.

"She senses danger tonight."

"Isn't that the reason the scouts are being themselves?" Taiki asked.

"Yes, but she believes something terrible is going to happen in the future if trouble happens tonight."

"How long has she been sensing this danger?" Taiki asked.

"Since yesterday," Malachite said. "Mina has premonitions all the time. But she doesn't speak of it a lot until it's over. She had seen how Molly's wedding was going to turn out and she was the one who helped Molly picked her wedding dress. Mina saw Molly wearing the dress in one of her premonitions even before they went out and bought the dress."

"Amazing," Neflite said, astonished. "Molly was very beautiful in that dress."

"That she was," Jedite commented. "In the short time I've known her, I don't think I've seen her happier than the day she walked down that aisle."

"I do have to agree," Zoisite said. "She was very happy that day."

"Head for cover!" Yaten suddenly yelled.

"Why, bro?" asked Taiki.

"Well, here comes a blond, a brunette, a raven, a blue haired and a pregnant lady."

"You are one arrogant person, Yaten," Mina said.

"Why, thank you," Yaten joked.

"I've just noticed four new guests wearing cloaks," Amy said. "My computer is picking up different energy signatures from them than from the other guests."

"Energy signatures like the Negaverse," Lita said.

"They probably counted on your computer picking up the signatures," Malachite said.

"In case of problems, which will more than likely be, Molly wanted us to escort her over to her handsome, lovely husband," Mina said.

"You're not going to get any complaints here with that comment," Neflite said. "There is only one man who can fit that description." Neflite held out his arms for his wife. She went into his arms as though to a magnet.

"So what's the plan?" Zoisite asked, slapping his fist in his hand.

"There's only one thing we can do," Mina said. "Wait to see what they are going to do. They will probably allow their presence to be known soon."

No sooner had Mina said this, people started screaming. The scouts turned to see what the commotion was about. Yaten was the first one to see what was going on.

"Tellulu!" Yaten gasped as Tellulu threw off her cloak.

Behind Tellulu were two other people. Quickly, the other two also threw off their cloaks to reveal themselves as Sailor Lead Crow and Viluy.

Mina, Amy and Raye ducked behind the guys and disappeared. Soon the guys saw the fleeing girls with the other Sailor Scouts jumping into the crowd.

"I am Sailor Mars!"

"I am Sailor Mercury!"

"Sailor Jupiter!"

"Sailor Venus!"

"Sailor Saturn!"

"Sailor Pluto!"

"Sailor Uranus!"

"Sailor Neptune!"

"And I'm Sailor Moon! Champion of Justice!"

"Right on time," Tellulu laughed.

In the meantime, the guests whispered and looked around in confusion. Before, their friends were standing around them and now suddenly they were gone and the real Sailor Scouts were there.

"I think it's time to send these guys to the scrap heap!" Sailor Jupiter yelled.

"Excellent idea, Jupiter!" Sailor Venus said.

"No, I don't think so," Tellulu laughed. She nodded her head to her two companions.

Before the scouts could even react, Tellulu raised her hands above her head. A huge wind came out of nowhere and knocked everyone to the ground. The scouts and generals were able to remain standing.

"Mars Fire..."

"Jupiter Oak..."

Mars and Jupiter couldn't complete their attacks. Sailor Lead Crow and Viluy straightened their arms out and a red energy ball crashed into the two scouts. Sailor Lead Crow widened her ball, making the scouts fall.

Sailor Moon was the first to start to rise. She was able to focus on the enemies but something was different. There were now two more enemies on the scene, Mistress 9 and Kaorinite. Knowing that the generals would still be standing, Mistress 9 and Kaorinite combined their powers to create a powerful wind to knock the generals down. Neflite tried to grasp Molly against his chest to protect her, but a wind from another direction suddenly knocked Molly away from her husband. Molly screamed and hit the ground, and was knocked unconscious.

"Molly!" Neflite yelled in terror.

"Vengeance will be mine!" an evil voice laughed.

The wind died suddenly and Neflite ran over to his wife. The Sailor Scouts stood back up, ready to fight, but found their enemies were gone. When Neflite reached his wife, he lifted her limp body to find blood everywhere.

"Molly!" Neflite screamed again.

Everyone gasped in horror, as they knew where the blood was coming from. Neflite started crying, rocking Molly back and forth. Tuxedo Mask ran as fast as he could to call the ambulance. He was the only one not too stunned to move.

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return to Index / go to Chapter 3

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury