Return of the Negaverse
By Lady1Venus

Chapter 6 - The First Real Battle

* * * * * * * *

The Tokyo express landed at the airport in Tokyo. People were getting off the plane, including three young men wearing suits. They were happy to be back in Tokyo. At the gate of number 10 the Amazon Quartet waited for the men.

“Hello. How did you know we would be here?” the tallest asked.

“Your brother told us,” VesVes answered.

“Yaten, I’m going to ring your neck,” Taiki, the tallest, said, getting ready to move towards him.

“I just thought it would be better for someone to greet us.” Yaten backed away before Taiki could advance on him.

“Listen. I’m glad you’re here. The scouts have a problem,” JunJun said.

“JunJun’s right. All the enemies of the Sailor Scouts are back to life.” PallaPalla explained. The Starlights gasped as she continued as she lowered her voice. “The Sailor Scouts could use the Sailor Star Lights.”

Seiya was a little stunned when PallaPalla mentioned who they really were. But it didn’t take him long to realize that the girls now knew of everyone’s secret. “Let’s get our bags. What are you driving?”

“I've got a brand new minivan,” JunJun answered, turning. Her green summer dress whirled around her.

Yaten couldn’t help but notice. “Nice dress.”

“Thank you.”

The girls helped the men get their luggage and put it in the van. They all piled in and drove away. On their way out of the city, CereCere, who was driving, updated the guys on the current events. She also told them of all the scouts' many adventures before the Starlights came to town the first time. CereCere was glad that the Starlights already knew of all the different adventures the scouts had.

“So what is your relationship with the Amazon Trio?” Taiki asked.

“We are sisters and brothers,” VesVes answered.

“Just to make sure we get this straight,” Seiya enquired. “Raye’s grandfather is in the Negaverse. Two men, Rubeus and Prince Diamond, from there want Mina and Serena. And the Sailor Scouts' first enemies are now the good guys.”

“That’s right,” JunJun said.

“And there is no doubt in my mind that Beryl is after Darien,” PallaPalla explained.

“Where is the Amazon Trio?” Yaten asked.

“They’re on their way to Neflite’s, I suppose. I’m not quite sure if they stopped at Mina’s apartment. The ex-generals have teleportation and they could have teleported to Neflite’s,” VesVes answered.

“That wouldn’t surprise me,” JunJun said.

“How far is it to Neflite’s?” Yaten asked with a hint of whine in his voice.

“Another ten to fifteen minutes,” CereCere answered back. The rest of the trip was quiet.

* * * * * * * *

Molly and Neflite walked out of the study with Mr. Leblanc behind them. The study was the quietest room and was at the other end of the house from the living room. By the look of Molly’s face, the meeting was successful. Though fear of trouble with her mother could still be seen in her eyes, she was really happy to have Neflite with her.

“Thank you, Mr. Leblanc, for taking the time to see me.” Molly shook his hand.

“You're welcome,” he said and then turned to Neflite. “Excuse me, N-- Neflite. How am I to get back to the office? Since you…ah…”

“Teleported here. Your car is parked outside near the front door. It was teleported here at the same time you were.”

Mr. Leblanc turned nervously and left down the hallway. When he was out of sight, Molly jumped up and down for joy like a little girl. Neflite couldn’t hold in his chuckles. She looked so cute jumping.

“I love it. In two days I will have my inheritance.”

“That you will.” He picked her up by the waist and spun her around a few times. She was giggling the whole time. Her hands were on his shoulders for balance. After, he planted his lips to hers for a long passionate kiss. Her fingers combed through his hair as his stayed securely at her waist. She was more than breathless when he released her.

He placed his hands on her belly. “This little one is going to have the best father. I hope we’ll have one of our own.”

“I hope we can have more than one child of our own.”

“Have I told you how much I love you?”

Molly smiled, shaking her head.

“I love you so much I don’t think the planet can hold it.”

Her smile widened and he kissed her again. This time the kiss deepened. Every moment she felt his tongue playing with hers the better she felt. She was in heaven, kissing Neflite. It seemed like it lasted forever but when Neflite reluctantly let go of her she suddenly felt sad. This was not really the time for celebration. They both felt a little guilty about that kiss.

“Let’s get back to the others, my love.”

“Ok.” Neflite could tell by her voice she was disappointed. “Everyone is transformed. Amara and Michelle are outside on the back deck. The others are in the living room with Raye and Mina. Poor Mina. I sure know how she feels.”

“Yes, but she has Malachite to help her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She looked at Neflite, realizing he was holding something back.

“Molly, please, do not ask me now. I have been sworn not to say anything.”

“I guess I can accept that.” Molly linked her arm with his and walked down the hall to the living room where the others were.

* * * * * * * *

Sailor Uranus and her companion, Sailor Neptune, sat on the back steps leading out to the terrace. When they arrived at the mansion, Sailor Moon had asked them to keep on the lookout in the back yard. They had been watching for just over an hour.

Sailor Uranus was always the one to be impatient like Sailor Jupiter, while Sailor Neptune was always the one to stay calm like Sailor Mercury. But now both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune had to do the best that they could to remain calm for Raye and Mina’s sake. They weren’t sure how Mina or Raye would react to panic right now.

“This is getting bizarre. Our situation has turned for the worse,” the aqua-green-haired scout commented. “The Sailor Scouts are pretty much useless without Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus. And here we are, just sitting here outside.”

“I know. But we will win in the end. We have to. Without Mina, we’d all fall apart. She is always the one stopping us from fighting each other. And Raye, she isn’t my first choice for a friend. She can be so hurtful at times, but she is, after all, a higher rank than we are. I do care what happens to her.”

“Like the time you protected Serena but wasn’t sure if she was someone to protect.” Sailor Neptune placed her arms on her knees. Sailor Uranus placed a comforting arm on her friend’s shoulder to reassure her.

“Yeah, like that time,” Uranus agreed then clenched her fists. “They already have Grandpa. He may be Raye’s grandfather but he is like a grandfather to all of us. And I’ll be damned if they get Mina or Raye.”

“In a way Raye seems like a sister. So do the others. But I can’t put my finger on it.”

“I know what you mean. I have the same feeling. It just could be our bond as scouts.”

“Or it can be fact that we are Princess Serena’s guardians,” Neptune added.

“Let’s go back inside. If those bastards are going to strike they will strike inside. I’d rather be inside than out here if they do.”

“Yeah. You may be right. They could attack anytime. We are vulnerable.” Neptune looked out towards the tennis court and knew something was amiss. She had remembered when Trista said that everyone had an individual power during the Silver Millennium and soon would remember what that was.

Sailor Uranus stood up and helped her friend up. Neptune went inside and Uranus fixed her rumpled skirt and then followed Neptune.

* * * * * * * *

In one corner of the living room, invisible, were the four enemies from the Negaverse. Rubeus sat right in the corner with Sailor Tin Nycanko beside him. Tellulu floated in the air, while Prince Diamond stood beside her. Tellulu wanted to lash out at Zoisite but Prince Diamond wouldn’t let her. He kept hitting her every time she tried to advance on Zoisite. They had been watching the Sailor Scouts, talking for the last little while.

Mina and Raye sat on the sofa along with Malachite and Jedite. Malachite was cuddling Mina as Jedite cuddled Raye. Sailor Moon was sitting in one chair with Tuxedo Mask standing behind her, unconsciously playing with her hair. The rest of the scouts were seated on the floor.

Rubeus couldn’t keep his eyes off Mina. He glared at Malachite. He wished he were the one holding her so intimately. He was hoping him and his companions would find the information Queen Beryl wanted and get out of there before being caught. Though they were invisible, there was the chance that Tellulu might screw up and reveal herself.

Prince Diamond, on the other hand, was amazed at how Serena had grown up. She was now more mature and beautiful than the last time he’d seen her, when he was dying in her arms. He would have loved to run his fingers through her long golden locks. As he saw Darien do at the moment.

Suddenly Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune entered the room and Tellulu finally stopped trying to attack Zoisite.

“Guys, I’m getting a bad feeling,” Mina whispered, trembling. Suddenly she sent a mental message to Greg. *Greg, go outside and wait for the Amazon Trio and Amazon Quartet. They are on their way and I don’t want them to appear just yet…Rubeus…* She shook violently at saying his name. *Is here and three others*

Greg nodded and went outside without drawing any of attention.

Malachite looked at Mina, knowing of the mind message. He and the other generals could hear Mina telepathy. *Mina. The generals heard what you just asked Greg to do. We have the same power*

Mina looked at him and pressed herself closer to him.

*What if they find out about us? They will make sure all the scouts know* She started to sob.

*Listen you two. You guys are going to cause suspicions and they won’t find out* Neflite cut in. He sat on the chair opposite from Sailor Moon and farthest away from the emotional group. Molly sat on his lap huddled up like a little girl.

*How about this, gents and lady?* Zoisite spoke through. His comment gave Mina a faint smile. *Let’s let Rubeus’ presence be known to all*

Mina looked fearful.

*It’s too dangerous. Mina hasn’t the strength to transform* Malachite commented.

*Well, we can’t just sit here*

*Look, I am not about to let Raye be harmed* Jedite said. He held Raye tight against him. *I’d say forget about it. They’re probably just observing anyway. They wouldn’t dare to fight with all of us and only four of them*

*Yeah but this way we can use just a fraction of our power combined* Zoisite said.

* * * * * * * *

Before Trista had reached the mansion she had contacted the Trio and Quartet. She told the scouts that they were on their way. Now Greg waited anxiously for them. He was only waiting for a few minutes when a mini van and a sedan came up the driveway. During the morning, before the scouts arrived, Neflite used his powers to create a circular driveway with a gradual grade down to the long narrow paved road. On the inside of the driveway was a big patch of grass. In the middle of the patch was a beautiful large water fountain. He wanted Molly’s new home to be fit for a family to live in. Plus he wanted to make it nicer for Molly.

“Greg,” Hawk’s Eye called out. “What’s up?”

“Yeah, you looked disturbed about something,” CereCere said.

“Four enemies are in the house, invisible. Mina is the only one able to sense them.”

“What the hell are we waiting for?” Taiki growled.

“No. I’m not sure if that is a good idea.” Greg declared. He looked at the Starlights. “Are you the three who turn into female warriors?”

Yaten nodded. He was ready for action.

Great, just what we need more cross-dresser types, Greg thought and then said. “Good. Maybe we can use it to our own advantage.”

“No one knows we’re here. So the Negaverse wouldn’t either.” Seiya said.

“But what can we do? We are normal now,” Fish Eye said.

“I have an idea. Since Mina doesn’t want us to be known we’ll stay hidden in the shadows until the time comes when we are needed,” Yaten suggested.

“Are you telepathic?” VesVes asked Greg.

“Yes and no. I can speak to Mina but my main power is seeing the future.”

“Tell Mina we have the message and we’ll hide in the shadows,” Tiger’s Eye said. “Even though we’re normal, humans can come up with the best ambushes. What ever you do don’t tell her of the Starlights.”

“Zoisite is going to flip when he hears about you guys are back. He thinks he’s the only one here that has turned into a woman,” Greg said.

“The girls were telling us during the drive up of the scouts' current status,” Taiki said. “I never thought I’d see the day when another man turned female.”

“Well, actually, I guess Zoisite was male 1000 years ago but was turned female by Beryl. He isn’t one that can turn his body into a woman.” Tiger’s Eye said.

“Let’s go around back and split into teams. We, the Quartet I mean, will go the left and take one of you Starlights. The two remaining with go with the Trio to the right.”

“I guess I’ll go with the girls,” Yaten said.

“Good. Let’s move before the scum decide to attack or the scouts attack them,” Hawk’s Eye said.

* * * * * * * *

When Greg came back into the living room he saw Zoisite and Jedite arguing about if they should speak out or not.

Rubeus was startled at how much those two could argue. He always was told that it was always Zoisite and Neflite who fought.

“Will you two just shut the hell up!” Raye shouted. Everyone quieted down and stared at her. “Thank you.”

“Greg where were you?” Amy asked. She walked over to Greg and put an arm around him. Zoisite felt a touch of jealousy.

“I just had to make a private phone call,” he answered. Staring at Mina he sent her a message. *The Trio and Quartet are here. They are hiding in the shadows around the entrance of the room waiting for any trouble*

*Thanks* Malachite butted in. Greg looked surprised. *Sorry for that, but the generals have the same power. We heard when Mina asked you to go outside. Zoisite, go with your plan. The Trio and Quartet will be able to help if the Negaverse finds a way to strike*

“About time,” Zoisite smiled dangerously.

Neflite removed Molly from his lap and stood, so he would be ready in case the Negaverse attacked. The other two generals stood as well.

"Stay there," Neflite said, settling Molly back in the chair.

“Time you showed yourselves!" Zoisite bellowed. "We know you're here, Negasleaze!" He winked at Sailor Moon as he used the word she had called him so many times. "Power up.” The four generals raised their hands and a power surge leaped out.

The girls couldn’t figure out why Zoisite was talking to mid air and mentioning the Negaverse and why all of a sudden a power surge was radiating off the generals.

“Ok you scum, you’re trapped and cannot use your powers. Mina, where are they?” Zoisite asked gently but coldly.

She pointed over to the left side of him.

Zoisite didn’t think twice or give Rubeus any time to move. Zoisite squarely kicked him in the knee and punched him in the stomach at the same time. Rubeus fell to his knees in pain and became visible. The scouts gasped.

Mina pointed to where the others were. Malachite and Jedite stood where they were to protect the girls. Zoisite jumped up and kicked Tellulu in the face. She crashed to the floor, also visible. Before she was able to get up, Sailor Uranus jumped to do her Earth Shaking attack. Tellulu grabbed the closest thing to her, an accent lamp, and threw it. The lamp threw Sailor Uranus off balance and knocked Zoisite down.

Tuxedo Mask grabbed thin air, which turned out to be Sailor Tin Nycanko, and threw her towards Sailor Jupiter. Jupiter was ready with her fist when Sailor Tin Nycanko came flying at her. Sailor Tin Nycanko hit the floor with a bleeding nose. But still managed to grab Jupiter’s ankle and tripped her. Jupiter went crashing into Tuxedo Mask.

Sailor Moon turned into Eternal Sailor Moon and started after Rubeus. Before she could reach him, someone grabbed her arm, knocking her off balance. She knew it was the other invisible enemy, and wondered who it was. When Neflite saw her go down, he grabbed the unseen enemy and threw him against the wall, while Eternal Sailor Moon jumped up and ran at Rubeus with her Eternal tier in hand. Rubeus was about to throw the matching accent lamp when Diamond became visible.

Molly screamed in horror. Everyone looked at her in shock. The enemies tried to use this to their advantage, to get away and out of there so they could use their powers.

“He did it! He raped me!” Molly screamed in terror.

“What?” everyone shouted.

Eternal Sailor Moon turned her anger from Rubeus to Prince Diamond. But Neflite already had him. He was pounding him against the wall when Sailor Moon got to him.


Eternal Sailor Moon didn’t say anything. Her face said it all. For the time being she left it up to Neflite. That’s when Eternal Sailor Moon acted. She went into the kitchen and came out with a sharp knife, then stabbed him twice in the abdomen.

Everyone was stunned to see her stab someone. Over in the shadows they couldn’t believe it. To them she was so compassionate, so kind. They never thought she would do something like that.

Neflite was still mad with fury. Even being stabbed wasn't enough punishment for the monster who had raped his beautiful Molly. He threw Diamond against another wall, hard. Diamond’s limp body fell forward. He looked like he was dead. Before Neflite or Eternal Sailor Moon could advance him all four enemies vanished.

“DAMN IT BERYL!” Neflite yelled. He walked over to Molly, pulling her close as she cried.

Serena stood, destransformed, with the bloody knife in hand. Tuxedo Mask came over to her and slapped the knife out of her hand and then pulled her close. Everyone stood still. The Trio, Quartet and Starlights stood in the shadows in complete shock. They couldn’t believe it. They had been ready to jump out when Molly screamed about how someone had raped her and Serena stabbed someone. They were too shocked to move.

“Shh. It’s ok. I’m here,” Neflite soothed. He was still angry, but now he could direct his anger towards the father of the baby. Sailor Uranus stood where Rubeus had been, clenching her fists and cursing under her breath.

* * * * * * * *

“Damn it Rubeus! How did you get caught!” Beryl roared. She was furious. Her plan had been foolproof. She couldn’t figure out how the Sailor brats had known her minions were there. She had seen Eternal Sailor Moon stab Prince Diamond, and Neflite throw him against another wall after he was badly hurt, she had to get them out of there before it was too late.

“I don’t know, your majesty. Somehow Sailor Venus knew we were there,” Rubeus said.

“Majesty,” Diamond managed to say. Tellulu was supporting him. “She knows I raped her.”

“Damn! Rubeus, get Diamond to Mimete. She has knowledge in healing.”

“Yes.” Rubeus took Diamond from Tellulu’s care and left before Queen Beryl could say anything more.

“Tellulu, what the hell happened?” Queen Beryl demanded.

“When Diamond became visible, the little red haired bitch screamed. She had everyone’s attention. We tried to use that to our advantage. She then screamed out that Diamond raped her. Neflite became really furious and attacked the Prince. He slammed Diamond up against the wall, many times and hard. He started to bleed.

“Sailor Moon was attacking Rubeus when Molly screamed. She let Neflite attack Diamond for a while. Then she got a knife and stabbed Diamond twice. I've never seen her so angry. That is when you brought us back.”

“I want everyone in the training room. Diamond better be ok. He’s the only one who can get the Princess away from Darien.”

“Yes.” With no more to be said, Tellulu left.

“I hate those scouts!” Beryl shouted to thin air. A snicker came from her left. She turned to see Grandpa.

“You think this is funny.” Beryl stood. “Laugh at this.” Her staff now was in her hands with a flick of the wrist and she pointed it at Grandpa. An energy ball went charging at Grandpa, almost knocking him unconscious.

“Your granddaughter’s friends are strong but I am strong too.”

“They…will find…away…to stop…you,” Grandpa whispered.

“There is no way to stop me.”

“Your majesty?”

Queen Beryl snapped her head to look at the owner of the voice. “What is it, Emerald?”

“Prince Diamond will be fine,” she said. She had also watched the battle against the scouts. “Everyone is now in the training room. Diamond is also there.”

“Good. I’ll be there soon.”

As Emerald left, Beryl looked back at Grandpa in triumph. She knew the scouts would try to strike. Just let them strike. Soon there won’t be anything left of them. She once again sat on her throne for a moment but then stood and disappeared, leaving the old man to whimper in pain.

* * * * * * * *

return to Index / go to Chapter 7

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury