Serena has so much on her shoulders, but can she handle being the Moon Princess … or will it be the straw to break Sailor Moon’s hope and heart? And who was that nameless woman flirting with Jasper who nearly sent Serena and Darien to a fiery death? Stay right there and I’ll tell you.

Sailor Moon is copyright (c) 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. English Language Adaptation (c) 1995 DiC Entertainment

... And Death Shall Have No Dominion
by Bonnie S

Chapter Fifteen - A Reluctant Princess

* * * * * * * *

To recap where we are now in the story - Serena was found to be the Moon Princess, and had been good to her word to Neflyte by pardoning him, Zoicite, and Malachite. Now the group was struggling to get away from the Negaverse cave they had been trapped in.

* * * * * * * *

By then the reality had begun to sink into Serena’s mind and heart, she’d lost him again and they wanted her to fight as if everything was okay? A lot of the time it was Tuxedo Mask that got her out of … oh, Tuxedo!

"Count me out. I don't wanna fight." Sailor Moon said it so firmly that no one was sure how to react at first.

She couldn’t mean it. After all she was the one and only Sailor Moon - and now she was found to be their Moon Princess. But the sound of her voice and the look in her eyes said otherwise. The others were shocked.

"Sailor Moon, you don't mean that, do you? You're our leader. We need you." Jupiter calmly tried to make Serena see the obvious.

Luna too tried to reason with the distraught young woman. "And you're the Princess."

But right then what was obvious was unfair, and Sailor Moon didn’t want to deal with anything that was unfair right then. All she wanted was her Darien back! "I don't care. Somebody else can do it."

"Come on, Sailor Moon. It's your destiny. You're the one." Thinking that her words would still ring, Venus smiled at the frustrated Scout Leader.

"I am NOT, Venus. I mean, I can barely handle being Sailor Moon. Now, I'm the Moon Princess, too? I can't do all this. I'm telling you," Sailor Moon blew up at them all. Tears were pouring down her face now.

Luna could see that it had been longer and harder on Moon than the rest. To have found her true love after a thousand years only to lose him within minutes. It was just everything hitting her all at once. "You're just tired. You need some time to let it all sink in, and then . . .”

The look in Sailor Moon’s eyes turned hard. Why didn’t anyone listen to her if she was their leader? This time her temper exploded harder than before. "I DON'T WANT ANY OF THIS TO SINK IN! I JUST WANNA BE A NORMAL TEENAGER! CAN ANY OF YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND THAT?! MY NAME'S SERENA! NOT SAILOR MOON, MOON PRINCESS, NOT MOON ANYTHING! Ooh! Oh . . .”

She dropped to her knees, buried her face in her hands, and broke down into tears. None of them could understand what she was going through! She had just lost the love of her life to the Negaverse! She didn’t even know where to start looking to try and get him back.

"Tuxedo Mask is gone, and now we know he's actually Darien, and he'll never call me Meatball Head again. Mercury, get us out. I wanna go home . . . please."

Solaris knelt beside Moon and held her sobbing form close. Only then did Moon realize that Molly knew what it was like to lose one’s beloved. But, then again, she had Neflyte back … and he had all of his honor back as well.

Mars walked over to the girls. "Sailor Moon . . . even though you're a crybaby and an irresponsible whiner and . . .”

Solaris couldn’t believe her ears! “Mars, this isn’t the time for that! Just back off for now.”

"Go away, Mars. I don't need this now. I know you hate me. You've always hated me," Moon snapped hatefully.

Tears were covering the dark headed girl’s face. "That's not true."

"It isn't?" That startled Moon enough to calm her tantrum for the moment.

"Gotta say, never thought you were much of a leader, but I know I was wrong, especially after seeing the way you handled that Crystal." Mars smiled at Moon softly.

Somehow, that confession had healed some of the rough patches that were between the pair in the past. Artemis walked up and smiled proudly at Moon. "Yeah, you totally tossed that crud Jasper."

Neflyte decide that it was time for him - as the leader of the Generals - to speak. “Right when we all needed you the most. And then you proved your own assurances to me right. I never though that being forgiven would come as easily as from you, my Princess.”

“Neither did I.” Malachite’s deep voice shook slightly.

“And Jasper had the shock of his life when you used the crystal against him.” Zoicite managed a laugh. That actually made Moon smile a little.

"A very pretty sight. Hm, hm, hm, hm." Luna giggled at the memory.

"Oh come on, you guys. Let her be for a little while. After all, this is Serena, and this is a very big deal," Mercury said as she turned her earring to deactivate her visor. "And here's the good news: I've found a way out of here."

Luna liked the sound of that. "Good work. What do you say we go get some burgers and get our minds off all this?"

"Oh yeah. I could go for that," Venus chuckled.

Solaris smiled as Sailor Moon’s stomach growled. “Sounds like an extra vote for that here. And then we can go for ice cream!”

“I think that could easily be arranged.” Neflyte winked at his love.

Then there was a shrilled echoing laugh surrounding them. "Sorry. Dinner plans just got cancelled." Zoicite growled dangerously. “Jet!”

A woman was high above them seated on some invisible pole. Her hair was black as night, while her skin looked so white that she seemingly had no color at all - outside of her makeup. Her eyes matched her hair and were icy. None of them knew that she was the unnamed woman who attacked Serena and Darien when they were the elevator.

“Right on Zoophyte! Sorry to interrupt that little pep rally. But I need to get that pretty crystal from the weeping little girl over there. So if all of you would just make this easier on me …”

“Not in this life you degenerate monster!” Zoicite had run out to shield the others from the cold stare of this new enemy.

‘How can she be alive? She’s so pale! Not even ash colored or blue. It was as if her skin has been bleached beyond any color. Nothing natural can be that way - nothing living at the least,’ Serena thought to herself.

Jet sighed, covered her overly dramatic yawn with her hand, and then leaned back until she was hanging upside down. “That’s so true, Moon bitty. I’m neither natural nor alive. See, I don’t have to fear death, unlike you. I am a vampire … and if you ask nicely, I might let you be one of my minions - provided you give me the crystal first. Then you’ll be with your sweet Prince all of the time.”

For a very short split-second that offer sounded good. But her Darien wouldn’t want her to change. Moon found a new strength she never thought she could ever hold within. “No deal creaton! Get out of here before we do some damage to your face!”

“You heard her, Jet, now get out of here … or face the three of us!” Malachite shouted as he took his position beside Zoicite, who was still fuming at the sight of the monster.

Jet’s upside-down face looked strange with a pout. "I want that Imperium Silver Crystal! Can’t you see that little wimp of a girlfriend of yours is nothing? Beryl knocked her out … and you had to bring her to the Scouts to keep her alive. Now that blast would have never fazed me. And I could have taken all of it, instead of the tap old Zombie over there got."

Before Zoicite could reply, Malachite took her hand into his own. “Zoicite is my chosen mate, and you are nothing. As for the crystal … it is where it belongs. With our Princess.”

Jet laughed all the harder at that. “You three are so out of it! Do you really think that these brainless crybabies would take any of you back? You are traitors …”

“… who have returned to our duties. We were forgiven and granted our former positions,” Neflyte shouted as he took his place on Zoicite’s other side.

Solaris didn’t like what was happening. She had a bad feeling that this was not going to remain a ‘cold’ battle for much longer.

“Oh and the little woman is here too, eh Neflyte? Hi, Drusilla! Yes, I still remember your real name. I got it from your father - that is before Beryl gave him to me and killed all of your people. Do you want to know how your lover-boy was involved?” Jet’s eyes almost sparkled as she thought she had a way to turn them against each other.

Solaris shot her an equal smile. “No need. I remember everything just fine thanks to Queen Serenity’s spell.”

Jet growled, and her face became deadly. “Oh yeah. Your daddy told me your real name here too. Let’s see … hm, could it be … Ms. Molly Baker? Oh right, your getting back with your hubby! So soon it will be Mrs. Molly Stanton. And speaking of daddy … I’ll make sure he pays you a call very soon.”

Neflyte growled as Solaris shuddered in horror. Her worse nightmare was seeing her father again. And now, this creature knew her true identity! That meant she had to be destroyed … and fast!

“Oh … and Serena Tsukino I believe is our precious Moon Princess. I’ll be calling on your home very soon. Beryl wouldn’t mind if I have some fun with the Prince. Might even make him like me - then Beryl won’t ever lose him,” Jet chuckled.

The rest of the Scouts took positions around Sailor Moon and behind the Generals.

Venus looked over at the Guardian Cats. "Luna! Artemis! Better run for cover now!"

"Be careful, Scouts," Luna called out as she ran as fast as her paws would carry her.

Artemis stopped long enough to shout over his shoulder, "Stick together. You can beat her."

Once they were out of sight, the others focused solely on protecting their Princess and defeating this new threat. Jet acted like she had to think hard about what she wanted to say next. “Oh. I think the rest are called Raye, Mina, and Lita. Am I right? Now, if I get the crystal, Beryl will never learn the truth of your identities.”

"If you want that crystal, you answer to me," Venus yelled. Her family was now on the line with this villain. Which made the battle all the more important and difficult.

Jupiter knew that she had no one to risk, but all of the others did. “ . . . and me. Let's double-team her. 'Kay, Venus?"

"Excellent idea."

Jet again pretended to yawn. "Oh, you're so scaring me. Whatever!"


Jet punched at the empty air in front of her fist. It sent Jupiter’s attack back at her, which threw her back a few feet and knocked her unconscious.

“Jupiter!” Moon screamed in fear.

Venus too was shaken, but not enough to give up. "I'll take care of it. VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!"

This time Jet brushed the air in front of her with the back of her hand. Not even halfway towards Jet, Venus’ attack turned around and hit the blonde. She spun around twice before landing on the floor and didn’t get back up.

“I’ve had it! ZOI!” Zoicite’s petals too were turned back on her when Jet blew on the currents in front of her.

The petals tore at her old Negaverse uniform, cut her face and body, and one embedded itself in her lower stomach. She dropped from a combination of the pain and fear that her womb would be destroyed. Zoicite gasped hard as she tried not to cry out in her pain.

Jet flicked a finger, sending a black energy bolt that shot Zoicite back to the back of the room - crashing hard against the wall. Solaris rushed to check on her. “She’s alright, but her pulse is getting weaker. We have to end this and fast!”

“Molly, Molly, Molly. This won’t end until I get that crystal. And your daddy gets you.” Jet winked at the scared girl before her.

Solaris swallowed hard. ‘I can’t show her my fear! If I go down Neflyte and Malachite will lose their focus. I have to keep mine up.’


“Well that’s original … attack the villain - just like all the other stupid Scouts,” Jet taunted as she twirled her finger around in the air for a moment before pointing at Solaris.

Her wind attack turned and trapped Solaris in a heated and fiery tornado. Her skin and hair were burned painfully slow, and all of the oxygen was forced out of her lungs the instant she screamed out in pain. In moments, Solaris fell to the floor burned all over and not breathing.

“No, Molly!” Neflyte and Malachite both rushed for their loves, but were stopped short by a dark energy dome.

Jet smiled vainly at the men she had caged. “I know … a bit lame and predictable. Still, I can’t let you stop my fun.”

Mars looked over at Mercury. "What can we do, Mercury?"

“Well, you can either turn over the Silver Crystal, or die like your friend Solaris. Oh and Neflyte … I can feel it. Your little whore is good and dead. And Zoibyte will be joining her in the next few seconds."

Sailor Mars looked at the other girls. "No choice there, huh, Mercury? Get her outta here!"

But Sailor Moon just stood there in shock. Solaris was dead. She wanted to quit, and now the Scout they all knew was going to have a little girl shortly was dead trying to save her cowardly hide.

Mars saw that Moon hadn’t moved an inch. "Hmm . . . go on! You're the princess. We've got to protect you . . . and the Imperium Silver Crystal."

"GET ON WITH IT, WOULD YOU?! I’d like to get back sometime in this century." Jet taunted from her height, arms crossed over her chest.


Once again, Jet flicked a finger. Mars was thrown into a pillar and burned severely with her own attack! "NO! Sailor Mars!" Moon screamed in fear. All of her Scouts were in trouble, one was dead, and two were on the way to join her. The dome holding Neflyte and Malachite had steadily shrunk until now they were barely able to move and were about to lose consciousness.

Jet sighed angrily. "PATHETIC! WHAT A JOKE! Step aside, Mercury! It's not you I'm after!"

"Go bleach your hide, vagrant!" Mercury shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Fine then! It's your loss!" Jet shot a ball of dark energy at Mercury, which crushed her ribs and left her body in a trench in the floor.

Sailor Moon was knocked down by the after effect. She moved carefully over to Mercury. "Sailor Mercury, can you hear me?"

Mercury opened her eyes, wincing from the pain that was racking her body. "Sorry, Princess. She was too strong for us."

"Then I'm history." Moon sat back and shuttered at the thought of what was before her.

In her mind, she heard what had to be Venus’ voice. "No you're not. You can beat her." "Believe in yourself." Was that Jupiter?

Neflyte coughed as he too spoke to her mind. “We all believe in you, our Princess.”

"Our future depends on you," Mars groaned in her agony.

Malachite and Zoicite both came in as barely a whisper. “Do it for all of us. For our world. For those who have gone on.”

"Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Solaris, Generals . . . Oh my friends . . .” Moon whimpered. They still believed in her when all this time she had been shoving them and her duties away - they weren’t ready to let her go yet. "Don't worry, Scouts … my Generals. I won't let you down. Not this time."

"Help me be free again." Just as she had in his dreams, Tuxedo called out to her from deep within the Negaverse.

That was the sweetest sound she ever heard. "Tuxedo Mask! You came!"

"I'm on your side, Sailor Moon, and I always will be. Remember that." He was barely able to call out. Yet that was enough to give the Moon Princess her drive once again.

Looking up at Jet, Sailor Moon glared in her anger and determination. This was one sleaze that wouldn’t be threatening them or their families for much longer. "COME ON, YOU PASTY-FACED, TWO-TIMING NEGATWIT! YOU'RE HISTORY!"

"Oh! Sounds like a certain wimp of a Princess thinks that she is a challenge! SAY GOODBYE NOW, SAILOR MOON!" Jet chuckled as she balled a huge amount of dark energy in her hands.

Moon held her wand up as her defense. "For my friends, our families, and our Universe! You will forget the fact you know about us, and the wrongs you have committed here Will. Be. Set. Right! COSMIC MOON POWER!"

Sailor Moon drove back the dark energy with the light of her Silver Crystal. Jet screamed as if she were in pain, but she was simply sent back to the Negaverse. While the Scouts and all three Generals sighed as their pain was swept away. Solaris softly groaned, and all of Zoicite’s wounds were healed (as well as a gift being given to her).

The power of Crescent Moon Wand combined with the Silver Crystal spread throughout the tower and rid it of the time warp and the Negaverse influence.

"Whoa. Where did that come from?" Moon asked herself as the others began to get up.

Neflyte and Malachite rushed to their loves, followed by Moon and the Scouts.

Zoicite slowly opened her eyes, and was as amazed as Malachite that all of her wounds were somehow gone. Yet, she also had a tingling sensation in her lower abdomen that she couldn’t explain. It brought her a happiness she never knew existed.

Neflyte carefully gathered Solaris’ now burn-less body in his arms. To everyone’s shock, she gasped and drew in a deep breath. And when she opened her eyes and smiled up at him, Neflyte broke down into tears.

“Neflyte? It’s okay. I had to die again.” She was so weak that Solaris quickly became Molly.

Everyone was startled by her words, Neflyte more so than the rest. “What do you mean, my love?”

“I saw Queen Serenity. She’s proud of you, Serena, and knows that you can win with our help. And she said that you could do anything you set your mind to. That you are, and will always be, the Moon Princess.

“And then she pointed out this bubble. It set down not far from us, and out of it ran a little girl. I saw our little girl, Neflyte! She was so beautiful … maybe four or five. She asked me if we have chosen her a name yet, but we haven’t. She didn’t mind, but I could see that she was so sad.

“She told me to tell her daddy that she is very proud of him. That the only reasons you made bad choices was because you were sad that she and I were gone. She said that now you’re happy, and that is going to bring her to us faster. The Queen said that we really should be getting ready, because our little girl will be here sooner than either of us expects.

“Serena, she also said that you’ll get Darien back, but it’s going to take time. Take it a day at a time. But she wants me to warn you that it isn’t going to be easy. Beryl’s already re-programming him to her side. Soon he won’t be fighting for us, but things will not be as they seem. He made you a promise and will be there to protect you from harm - though he’ll be demanding the crystal.”

Sailor Moon sighed. “Oh, Darien.”

* * * * * * * *

For a few minutes, Sailor Moon walked alone. She needed time to let the night’s event sink in, and ended up looking at the view from the roof. She could feel that he was in pain and fighting the Negaverse as always. In her mind and heart she sent to him as the sun rose, "I don't know where you are, Tuxedo Mask, but wherever it is, I'm with you."

"There you are, Sailor Moon." Venus asked, "Hey girl, you all right?"

"Huh, what?" Sailor Moon turned around to see the Generals, the Scouts, and the cats all on the rooftop of the tower looking at her with compassion and respect. "Yeah. Fine."

"Hope you know, we'll always be behind you, no matter what," Mars said with a smile on her face.

Moon sighed. "I know. Thank you."

“Thank you, Princess Serena. You have given the three of us back what we foolishly threw away. And you and your mother made certain that Molly and I would be reunited and regain our daughter. Then you protected my love until I proved to you that I was worthy of being with her again. I doubt that I will ever be able to fully repay you for those graces,” Neflyte said as he saluted and bowed to Sailor Moon.

She still wasn’t used to her identity or the protocols that came with it. “I only ask for you and my other Generals keep helping and protecting us Scouts as you three did today.”

“I didn’t get to thank any of you for saving my Zoicite last night. And here you have saved her again. We owe you more than we could every repay, Princess Serena.” Malachite too bowed before Serena with his clenched fist tight against his chest in a salute.

Serena tried hard to fight off her tears. “You and Zoicite put your lives on the line for the Scouts and myself when you should have been allowing yourselves to recover from last night. Promise me that unless something really major comes up, you will both take it easy for the next week or so … meaning no training sessions and no surveillance missions.”

Zoicite came forward a few steps before saluting and bowing. “I swear, unless you or the Scouts are in need of our aid, we will rest as you have commanded, my Princess. And thank you for both graces of my life.”

“Thank you for returning to us ... all three of you. I just hope that your dreams come true.” Serena smiled as her female General returned to Malachite’s side.

As she turned around to look at the sunrise, she noticed Molly snuggling tight in Neflyte’s embrace. It hurt, but she wouldn’t show it. God, it had only been a few hours. Yet, it felt as if Darien had been lost to them for weeks.

Serena barely noticed it when Luna walked over to her. "You really nailed that vampire today. I'm proud of you."

"And, thanks in part to Molly, you know that your mother's proud of you, too." Artemis grinned.

Luna turned and looked at their larger team. "You were all great today. It's going to be a tough fight all the way, but I know we can beat the Negaverse. We've got to."

Sailor Moon nodded and then added to herself “ . . . and find Tuxedo Mask, wherever you are out there."

“Hey, instead of grabbing some burgers, I can make us up some breakfast! Any takers?” Jupiter chuckled as the entire troop raised their hands - including a still sad and lonely Princess.

* * * * * * * *

At the mansion, they ate and listened to music - it was a party to celebrate Princess Serena’s return. But a feeling of forlorn hung in the air edging the celebration. None of them would truly be happy until the Prince was reunited with their Princess.

Serena went out on the balcony as the gang all started setting up for the nursery planning session they were going to have. She sloshed the dark red liquid in her wine glass. It was only juice, a combination of strawberry and red grape, but it made her feel like she was grown up. The way she figured she was supposed to feel. She sighed and thought to herself. ‘I don’t think that this being the Moon Princess is going to be easy.’

She stood there and focused in on her lost love. Wishing she could bust in and take him back from Beryl, but she and the others were far too weak, and didn’t know how different the Negaverse was now that Beryl had to replace all of her Generals. Serena focused so hard that she hoped the sense she was getting was from his mind touching hers.

‘Don’t worry, Darien. I love you, and I will fight with all I have until I get you back. We’re too weak to fight now, but we’ll get stronger. Soon we’ll be together and there’s nothing Beryl can do to stop that. Molly talked to my mother, Queen Serenity. Mother promised that you and I will be reunited again. It is going to take time, but I know we can do it, my only love. I know she’s forcing you to her side, but I will find a way to undo it. Please just keep our love for one another deep in your heart - in a place she will never be able to touch - and let that move your hand.’

She felt a response! He was connected to her mind! ‘My sweet? My Princess? Is that you? I will do as you ask … can’t last much longer …”

And then there was nothing. Beryl had him, but that would only be for so long!

“Princess Serena?”

The voice startled Serena out of her reverie. It was Zoicite. “You shouldn’t be out here alone. Now that Beryl knows you are the Moon Princess, she’ll be out to get you all the more relentlessly.”

“I know, Zoi. But, I needed some air. And besides, I feel so safe in this place …” Serena looked out at the woods surrounding the mansion. It was beautiful, and reminded her of a time she once never knew. Of the time when most of the Earth looked like this, thick and lush forests, rather than concrete and metal buildings.

Zoicite smiled as the same memories of the Earth both knew well came to her mind also. She remembered the first time Malachite and she admitted their love for one another was in a thick wood, and she had been a man. But, such love was seen as an abomination then, and both would have lost their honor and their lives for it. At least in this time she was a woman, and he still loved her - how he had proven that, time and again.

“I know that you feel safe, Princess. I feel the same way. But, even with us just inside, your safety cannot be guaranteed. Please let one of us know when you're going out. Oh, and you have two more youmas guarding you when we are not around. Loypau and Beeline.” As she introduced them, they came into Serena’s view and bowed. Serena smiled and nodded to each of them, and they returned to their posts within the shadows.

“You and Malachite?”

Zoicite smiled. “Of course. Neflyte had the right idea about that. In case any of us aren’t there and you can’t change into Sailor Moon. But, for them to act otherwise would be foolish. They cannot let Beryl know that we have our youmas still. How about we get to that Nursery planning session? Maybe it will help get your mind off of the past few hours?”

Serena smiled and they went in.

* * * * * * * *

I wonder what Zoicite was feeling. For now only I know. Just like only I know about when that cute little girl is going to make an appearance. It can’t be now because some major problems are still ahead for the team.

* * * * * * * *

return to Index / go to Chapter 16

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury