by NaruMolly (aka Gwenne-chan, or Bard)


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Brief pronunciation guide:

Bridgette is pronounced in three syllables, not like "Bridge-it". Her name is pronounced "Bridge-Gee-Tah". Her nickname, Bri, is fairly obvious, but it's "Bree" just in case.

Zo� is pronounced "Zo�-ee". I dunno if I needed to put this on in here, but you never know.

Sidhe is pronounced "shee". These are the Irish "faeries", and they'll come up later in the story, I just thought I'd get that out of the way now. ^_^;;

Any words that Bri happens to say from her own language, is anyone's guess. I don't have the vocal chords to handle the almost singing of some of the words, and they're a combination of about 5 languages (including Tolkien elven).


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