Brothers in Arms
by Dark Amethyst

Chapter 9

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= = = R = = =

The days with Nephrite have gone by peaceably enough in the month since our pact was made. Our days are full.

We spend the mornings training rigorously, building up our strength, and in my case, learning the art of hand-to-hand combat. I’ve come to enjoy the physical challenge, though I certainly wasn’t so hot on it at first. My body looks better than I ever imagined it could, and I’m grateful (now) for Nephrite’s relentlessly pushing me.

The afternoons we’ve lately spent at the university library, reading up on the latest science. We were there again today and we’re heading home now, in Nephrite’s glorious car. He drives like a maniac, as usual, and I look pointedly out the side window. What I can’t see can’t stress me.

Nephrite is quiet. Even more-so than is typical. I steal a glance at him and wonder what he’s thinking. I’ve been worried about him lately. Every day he seems more sombre and introspective…more distant. He’s depressed, I’m certain. And frustrated. There’s an undercurrent of anger in him, lurking just beneath the surface, that wasn’t there before. He tells me nothing, however. And I don’t speak when not spoken to.

I’ve adapted to the ‘servant’ life with more ease than I would have believed possible. I rarely feel resentment or hostility. Nor do I desire to escape, since Nephrite has been true to his word and has stolen no more energy. Basically, I don’t feel much of anything anymore. Even at night, when he takes his pleasure on me – my body responds, but my heart is almost…blank. He’s a good master, I suppose - inspiring in me neither ardor nor rebellion…just unquestioning obedience.

Nephrite parks the car jerkily and I gratefully climb out. We walk in silence up the street, but when we near our building Nephrite stops abruptly, staring. A woman is carefully reading the names by the door intercom, her back to us, her unbound black hair reaching nearly to her knees.

Nephrite’s eyes narrow.

“Do you know her? Who is she?” I ask him softly, she being too far away to overhear.

“I feel like I know her,” he answers, sounding frustrated. “But I don’t know why. She reminds me of…”

The woman turns away from the board suddenly, and looks at the door, then steps back to squint up at the heights of the tall building.

“Of whom?” I prompt Nephrite, taking my eyes from her to glance at him. But he’s gone. I do a double-take, looking around and even behind me. And when I turn back, the lady is staring at me.

I stand stupidly a moment, staring back, trying to think what to do. Genius Nephrite has teleported away with the keys. There’s not much I can do but walk by, I suppose.

I attempt to do this, lowering my gaze and attempting to pass her. But she touches my arm as I come within reach, friendly but insistent.

“Excuse me…,” she asks, “but I thought I just saw a friend of mine…with you. Didn’t I? Wasn’t there someone with you?”

She is incredibly lovely, whoever she is…her eyes flecked with violet…and her hair too – flashing amethyst in the bright sun. Something about her draws me. Something different about her…almost that same other-worldliness that I feel from Nephrite. She’s looking at me searchingly as she waits for me to answer.

Considering that Nephrite didn’t want to be seen, I presume that he wants me to lie, so I do so, as convincingly as possible, shrugging slightly under her hand.

“I must have been mistaken,” she replies, still staring…but the smile has gone, and she regards me with naked suspicion.

I pull away and continue walking up the street – quickly. I turn the first corner I come to, then hurry to a secluded place – teleporting myself, as soon as I’m alone.

Back in the apartment, I go through to the patio to find Nephrite sitting quietly, a troubled expression on his face.

“Who was that?” I ask, controlling my desire to complain about leaving me to face her.

“I don’t know…,” he says slowly, not looking up at me. “But I felt something…familiar somehow…and troubling. All things considered, I think she was probably a senshi.”

My jaw drops slightly, and I’m suddenly overcome with regret that I didn’t stay longer and speak with her. There’s so much I want to ask. If only I’d known.

Maybe she’s still down there. Maybe I could go back.

I step back a few steps, inclining my head in servile fashion.

“I’ll leave you to your thoughts,” I tell him softly.

No dice. He must see through me. He shakes his head.

“Come over here and sit down. I need to talk to you.”

I obey dispiritedly, thoroughly disappointed. Maybe later…maybe later she’ll still be there.

“We’ve got to get out of here,” Nephrite tells me once I’m seated across from him. “It’s too dangerous to stay. If the senshi are sniffing around, they’ve likely felt something from us…from what we’ve been doing…what I did.”

“Where will we go?” I ask sadly, glancing around the beautiful patio. I’ve never known such luxury. I love this place. I don’t want to leave it.

“I have a plan. And this seems as good a cue as any to begin it.”

This explains his extra preoccupation lately.

“What is it?” I ask, wondering if he’ll even tell me.

“That article we read today…the one about time holes? Do you remember?”

I nod. Vaguely, I do remember. One of the latest theories about space-time. It was mostly beyond me, as is most of the physics Nephrite is into. I struggle to keep up with him as he consumes everything he can read. It was much easier having the knowledge ‘passed’ to me, than having to learn it for myself.

“If there are holes in space-time, then perhaps I can control them…and we can go back,” he tells me, his eyes dark and serious.

“Back where?”

“Not where. When. To the time before I was killed. To prevent it. To get my revenge on Zoicite.”

I roll my eyes in exasperation as I grasp this notion. Now I see where his mind has been in these last weeks…always thinking of this…never able to concentrate on living or forgetting. He’s free at last from Beryl – finally given his own chance at life – but he won’t live it!

“Even if you could…that’s madness,” I tell him. “Why get into all that again? It’s over! Zoicite is finished now – dead and gone. Naru is healed and has her own life. Why can’t you forget it all?”

“Because there is nothing for me here,” Nephrite snarls. “Everything I know is back there. And Naru has not forgotten. She is scarred. And I will undo that. I will undo it all. And I told you never to mention her again!”

His temper has grown such that I’m afraid…remembering the pain he can inflict. I bow my head.

“I’m sorry, master,” I placate. I can’t fight him. And obviously I can’t even reason with him. If that’s his plan, there’s little I can do but whatever he says.

After a few minutes, once tempers are restored, Nephrite begins again.

“It will take more energy than you or I have, I suspect, to open these passages. And if we’re to take on Zoicite, that will mean a fight with Kunzite too – and we’re not strong enough to beat him. But I have a possible solution. Jadeite.”

I cock my head at him.

“Beryl dealt with him, didn’t she?”

“She didn’t kill him. I’ve always wondered about it. If we could find him, it might be possible to free him. We’re going to try.”

“What? Right now?” I ask, slightly stunned.

“No. Not here. Not with the senshi around. I told you, we’ve got to get out of here. Go pack a bag – we’re leaving for the airport in half an hour.”

“Where are we going?” I demand, my mind whirling.

Nephrite gives me a crooked smile.

“Somewhere hot.”

= = = N = = =

I’ve always dreamed of the Caribbean…but I’d imagined girls in thong bikinis… exotic drinks in sweating glasses. Not this. Sun, sand, waves, trees and nothing else. And I mean nothing. No hotel. Not even a house. Not a person for miles around. Perfect – at least for my purposes. And at last it’s cooling off a little now that the sun has gone down. It’s been desperately sweltering. Rachael has been complaining all day.

When we arrived in Barbados, we booked a room in a lusciously luxuriant resort, and had a fabulous meal. At least we had that day and night to enjoy. But the next day we rented a small boat, and promptly sought out the most isolated tiny island imaginable. Our boat is bobbing a short way out in the surf, anchored. I can hear the waves slapping against it, the sound carrying over the dark water.

Rachael lies next to me, having managed to sleep despite the fierce sun. I reach over to shake her shoulder gently now. The stars have come out – brighter than I’ve ever seen them. She raises her head and we both stare awhile at the incredible sky in some awe. Finally, tearing myself away, I move around to sit cross-legged before her, then reach out to take her hands.

“Now we’re going to find Jadeite,” I tell her determined. “Think of him…concentrate on him…”

She bows her head and tries, having only second-hand memories to go from. Grasping her hands tightly, I can feel the energy she’s conducting – the heat nearly burning my palms. I close my eyes and beg the stars myself…searching out for Jadeite. And suddenly I know…I can feel where he is…can feel a weak pull like iron to a distant magnet. I open my eyes and Rachael does the same, meeting my gaze. I give her an infinitesimal nod. We’re going there.

Our bodies dissolve instantly, then reform in a desperately cold place. Rachael screams in protest at the snow into which our bare feet have sunk, and at the cruel ice-wind that bites at our barely covered flesh.

“Jesus Christ!” she shrieks at me, still clutching my hands. “Where the hell are we?”

“Shut up and find him!” I order through tightly clenched teeth, dropping her hands to turn and search the horizon around. The landscape sulks in a kind of blue half-light. Drifts of snow are mounded everywhere – some carven into fantastic shapes by the relentless wind.

“Over there.”

Pointing to a hulking shape a short way off, I stumble towards it, and Rachael does the same, both of us shivering violently, every inch of skin in torment. I dig at the tall pile of snow, despite the further freezing of my hands and arms. “He’s in here!” I shout, sensing Jadeite. “Come on. Get your arms around him. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

I stand on the opposite side of the mound from Rachael, burrowing my hands through, searching for hers. My right hand finds hers easily, but my left comes upon something hard and smooth…ice, I realize grimly. I worm my hand desperately along to its edge, pressing my chest against the snow, wincing. Finally Rachael’s fingers find mine and I clasp her hand desperately, then throw everything I posses into a teleport spell – willing us ferociously back to the beach.

When our bodies resolve there, back to the darkness and the warm gentle air, Rachael screams again, releasing the transported ice-block, and falling to her knees. My senses scream also, at the abrupt shock, my skin in agony.

I go to Rachael and haul her up into my arms, then march toward the ocean, unimpressed with her weakness.

“It’s only pain, Rachael,” I sigh, shaking my head. I wade in deep and deeper, then drop her abruptly into the blood-warm water.

I hear her rise spluttering to the surface, exhaling in an angry hiss. But I’ve moved off too far for her to see, and I continue swimming silently, warming my still protesting flesh…casting a glance back to the dark beach and wondering about Jadeite.

. . .

It’s been two days. I took Rachael back to the resort on Barbados to recover her body and temper. We’ve rested and indulged ourselves as best we can, and on the third morning, we take our boat and head back to our island in much better spirits, anxious to see what state Jadeite is in.

We anchor the boat and swim into shore, then head up the beach, nearly dry again when we reach Jadeite – the sun beating down so fiercely. The snow obscuring Jadeite’s ice prison has gone, and he is clearly visible inside. I find it hard to look at him, and Rachael is tearful.

“He’s not melting,” she says sadly as we run our hands over the cold, strangely dry ice.

“It’s Beryl’s enchantment,” I sigh. “I hoped that it would be broken with her death. But apparently not.”

“What can we do?” Rachael asks, a tremble in her voice .

“We can try to break it, I suppose,” I say, not feeling very hopeful. I’m as desperate to free him as she is, however, and willing to try anything. We embrace him again between us, clasping hands, the ice a painful shock to the skin.

“Power of the stars…,” I say aloud, giving Rachael the words to mimic, “Free this man. Break this enchantment.” Rachael takes up my words, repeating them desperately, her hands radiating energy and we both pour everything we have into imploring his release. Minutes pass…long minutes…with no result but our increasing exhaustion. Rachael’s hands are shaking in mine, yet she presses on – so desperate to save a man she’s never even met. A thought occurs to me. Jadeite. He’s conscious. It’s part of his curse.

“Jadeite!” I roar to him, “Hear me – it’s Nephrite. We’re trying to free you. Help us, man. Use your own energy! Help us!”

For a moment, there is no change – then I begin to feel a strange radiating warmth from deep within the ice.

“Nephrite?” Rachael cries to me, sounding fearful and exhausted.

“It’s working, Rachael. Don’t stop now. Give it all you have,” I urge her, doing likewise – increasing my intensity until unconsciousness threatens. Just as darkness closes upon me, there is a loud, glorious cracking sound. Rachael’s sweat-slick hand slips from mine…and I, and she, and Jadeite fall to our knees then collapse in a jumble of bodies and ice.

= = = R = = =

It’s early morning, and I awake to the sound of weeping - a horrible sound…soulless and somehow inhuman. I open my eyes, cringing inside. It’s Jadeite…lying curled in a fetal ball, gasping in breaths between his sobs. Nephrite is still sleeping and I shake him urgently. He opens his eyes as I did – reluctantly – loathe to face that chilling noise. He sits up slowly, watching Jadeite, his face a picture of horror.

“Do something,” I beg him, looking from him to Jadeite, but he shakes his head at me, rising to his feet, turning his head away.

“Help him. You help him,” he breathes, his voice unsteady. “Comfort him, Rachael.”

“You’re his friend,” I argue furiously. “He needs you.”

Nephrite shakes his head more vigorously.

“I can’t. I just can’t,” he insists desperately, looking nearly ill. “I can’t stand to see him like that. You do it. You’re a woman. Women are better for such things. You comfort him.”

And he heads off…abandoning me to this poor miserable stranger.

I kneel down uncertainly next to him, my heart tense with pity. How can you comfort someone this soul-sick? I reach out gingerly and place a hand on his shoulder – touching him – letting him know he’s alive. He sucks in a breath, shocked, and snaps his head up to look at me, tears still in his deep-blue eyes. He regards my hand on his shoulder, staring so intently that I remove it, thinking it’s upsetting him.

Before I can react, he’s thrown himself at me, pinning me to the ground beneath him. He runs his hands over my face, over my hair, over my body…tears still dropping from his eyes.

“Please, Jadeite-sama,” I beg him, trying to sound calm. “You’re alright. You’re alive. You’re free.”

He ignores me completely, a feral snarl on his lips, his hands growing rougher.

I struggle against him, but he’s heavier than I am. He grabs my head in his hands, putting his mouth on mine. In a moment, his hands are under my shirt…it’s obvious what he’s planning. I fight back tears, feeling frightened and violated…but I can’t summon anger. All I can think of is what this man’s been through. Perhaps he hasn’t any mind left. Who could blame him, after that…

He takes his mouth from mine to move it to my bared breasts, nearly biting at a nipple. I no longer fight him. I can’t stop him anyway. And Nephrite obviously doesn’t care. Let him have some pleasure…after what he’s endured, it’s the least I can do for him.

In a very few minutes, he is within me…still rough and desperate despite my lack of struggle. I’m not ready, and it hurts, my body tensing as I wince. He drives himself home, then gathers my body against his, so tightly I can barely breath. After a long moment like this, he withdraws slowly, then plunges back, even harder. I rest my chin on his shoulder, trying to relax, tears in my eyes…but then I notice…I’m not the only one crying. Tears are running down Jadeite’s cheeks again, and as he thrusts within me once more, he lays me back down, caressing my hair gently, before laying his wet face upon my breast.

“I’m sorry,” I hear him sob. “I’m so sorry.”

Frantically, I find his face with my hands, and pull him up so I can meet his eyes…hear what he’s saying.

“You’re real,” he mumbles, trying to focus on me through tear-clouded eyes. “I thought I was dreaming. I’ve dreamed so much…so long…”

“I know,” I soothe him, pressing his blonde head back down again, smoothing his hair as he cries. “It’s alright. It’s alright. You’re free now. It’s over.”

He’s still weeping, but it’s a different sound now– more human…not that soul-chilling emptiness of before. My heart wrenches with pity. How can I help him?

I continue caressing his hair, then gradually his back. He is still hard within me, and I realize he’s trembling slightly in restrained desire.

“Please,” I whisper to him, moving my hands even lower, pressing him against me…trying to let him know it’s alright. “Please.”

I sound like I’m begging. And with some shock, I realize that I am. He raises his head to look at me, with some disbelief. He withdraws slowly, then presses slightly forward, holding my eyes constantly, as if expecting my protests. I have none. I can’t stop looking at his face. Those eyes…semi-obscured so attractively beneath spikes of blonde. And that same aura of magic that Nephrite has. Or perhaps it’s just the fact that he’s looking at me…something Nephrite hasn’t done in a long while. But for whatever reason…I can’t help myself. I press back against him as he comes to rest yet again.

Groaning suddenly, he gathers me back into his arms, leaning on his elbows and quickening his pace. Freed from his conscience, he lets his lust overwhelm him, plundering me with desperate hunger, making my body sing. And when he comes, his cry a sound of inexpressible release, my own flesh clenches around his, my mind filled with rapture.

Long minutes later, still in a haze, I feel him withdraw himself from me, and roll onto his side somewhat, still holding me tightly against him…a crucifix against the vampires of his dreams, no doubt. I keep my eyes shut, slipping into sleep. The thought strikes me that Nephrite might return and find us this way…but I sigh and dismiss it. He ordered me to comfort Jadeite…and I have, the best that I could. How glad I was to do it, he need never know.

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return to Index / go to Chapter 10

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury