All I Can Do
by Moon Momma


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1. Don't own Sailor Moon, never have, never will. Topaz, Kenichi, and Thulite are mine, though. (Dang, why do I always get stuck with the bad guys?) dalles has dibs on Kenichi for when Topaz and I are through with him.

2. This is my "All the Tennou come back as friends" fic. Umm, I guess it came out kind of strange. If you follow my humble little stories and are not familiar with the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, you might want to read up on it. I've been drawing several ideas from it lately, among them, how far is too far to go for the sake of someone you love, and is it possible to love someone too much?

3. Once again, mix of Japanese and dub influences, taking what I like best from each. Zoisite's a male again. I think I've settled on liking Boy Zoi better.

4. Yes, I know there are more than five Sailor Senshi. Since I'm mainly a Dark Kingdom fan, the Outer Senshi just don't register on my radar. But if you really want to know why they don't appear in the story, here goes: Hotaru is too young to be a Sailor Scout full time. Haruka and Michiru are busy pursuing their careers as, respectively, a Formula 1 race car driver and world-renowned concert violinist. As for Setsuna, well, to find out what's liable to happen when Sailor Pluto leaves the Gates of Time, read "Wannabe Two: The Sequel" by dalles. Scary.

5. Rated PG-13 for (non-explicit) sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, language, violence, booze, angst, bad driving (Nephrite: Leave my driving out of this!), health food, graphic childbirth, and five-inch stiletto heels.

6. Comments, questions, lavish flattery - e-mail me!

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