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Title: Tennis Lesson (short story)
Author: Kurozuishou
Description: Molly and Melvin's tennis game is interrupted by a challenger. G (2/02)
Title: Time In Your Heart (novel)
Author: Moon Momma
Description: Naru discovers that the handsome new boy at her high school is young Nephrite, sent forward in time on a mysterious errand. PG-13 (10/01; revised 12/11) (Google Translate)
Title: Time Twister (novel)
Author: Mike Chenoweth
Description: When Rini tries to use the Time Key to go home, the paths of time are twisted, saving Neflyte's life but also beginning a set of events that will lead to disaster for the Scouts. The Scouts are faced with a seemingly impossible task: putting time back the way it should be without breaking their friend Molly's heart. A classic Sailor Moon fanfic, written in 1996. PG (added 7/01)
Title: Turning the Tables (novel)
Author: Lady1Venus *visit the Author's Website*
Description: After Neflite survives being attacked by Zoycite's youma, his goal becomes to win Molly's love for good and to turn the tables on Beryl and the Negaverse. Part of Chapter 2 also appears on this site as the story "A Wonderful Day Out." PG (11/01)
Title: Twelve Days of Sailor Moon Christmas (poem)
Author: Lady1Venus *visit the Author's Website*
Description: The Twelve Days of Christmas, Sailor Moon style, all ready for a sing-along with your friends! (posted 7/01)
Title: 24 Hours to Life (novel - complete)
Author: Moon Momma
Description: Nephrite has 24 hours to win a new chance at life. All he has to do is make amends for the wrongs he committed and win Naru's heart. How hard can it be? PG (12/19)
Title: Vigil (short story)
Author: Moon Momma
Description: That fateful night, in Naru's room, Nephrite realizes before it's too late that he loves her. No, this isn't the hentai version. This is what *really* would have happened. Note: This is also the first chapter of "Lyra's Children." PG (2/01)
Title: Who is that Guy? (novel)
Author: Kurozuishou
Description: Neflyte finds a way to watch Molly's life on Earth, but at what cost? PG-13 (3/03)
Title: Why? (poem)
Author: Kurozuishou
Description: Nephrite and Molly's thoughts as they sit together under the tree. (1/03)
Title: Wishes (short story)
Author: Lady1Venus *visit the Author's Website*
Description: Molly thinks she'll never see Neflite again, until she receives a special gift from the spirit of Queen Serenity. G (3/01)
Title: A Wonderful Day Out (short story)
Author: Lady1Venus *visit the Author's Website*
Description: After Neflite survives being attacked by Zoisite's youma, he and Molly have a chance to get to know each other. G (5/01)
Title: You Changed Me (poem)
Author: Princess Liane Syaoron of Nowhere *visit the Author's Website*
Description: Nephrite reflects on the effect Naru has had on his life. (11/01)

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