Blossoming Love
By Sanjouin-DaCapo

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The alarm clock next to Naru's bed rang, jerking her awake from a sound sleep. She had a bit of a hard time adjusting to this new routine, of waking up to help Nephrite turn, but she enjoyed just being around him, so it was worth the nightly jolt. Naru yawned and stretched, then rubbed her eyes and slid out of her luxuriously comfortable bed. She stepped into a pair of soft bunny slippers as she walked out of the room and made her way to Nephrite's bedroom.

She opened the door, and saw the silvery moonlight bathing the sleeping Nephrite's handsome form. Naru walked up to his bed as she had done for several nights now, and admired how the former dark general's face seemed to be glowing, as it had that fateful night. She almost gasped at the sight, but then realized that he was alive and well..

Naru couldn't help herself, and gently stroked Nephrite's face. The chestnut-haired man stirred a bit from his sleep, leaning into the touch and mumbling something she couldn't make out. Naru flinched a bit, but then patted Nephrite's cheek and stroked it some more. Then she placed her hand on Nephrite's shoulder and gently shook it to ease him awake. The former general took in a few deep breaths, sighed, and slowly opened his light blue eyes.

Nephrite yawned and stretched his neck and arms a bit. As the room came into focus, he smiled up at Naru, who had a dreamy smile on her face. He felt something touching his fingers, and looked to see Naru patting and stroking them. Nephrite's hands had some loss of feeling, but it wasn't complete, and he could feel with the backs of his hands very well.

"Wake up... it's time to turn over," Naru whispered, as she absentmindedly held Nephrite's hand and petted it some more.

Nephrite chuckled, then slowly reached up with his other hand and gently caressed her cheek, just like he did as he breathed his last. His face took on the same wistful smile he had that night when he apologised to Naru for deceiving her, and tears welled up in his eyes. For some reason, something was telling him to pull her close.

Naru lifted Nephrite to a sitting position, pulled the covers from his paralysed lower body, then rolled him onto his side. She took his hand and stroked it some more, then raised it to her lips and kissed it. Nephrite closed his eyes at that, then wrapped his free hand around Naru's waist.

The young woman fell to her knees in surprise, but then relaxed and sat down on the bed, and instinctively lay down next to her friend. She covered him back up, and squished the soft downy comforter in her hands, before getting under it as well and snuggling close to Nephrite.

Gentle arms wrapped around her, and a soothing voice whispered her name. A petal-soft kiss on her forehead sent waves of pleasure through her body...

Naru thought about Umino, and what he would think if he saw this, but she couldn't resist. Nephrite was here, and alive. He was breathing, his heart was beating... and they were in no danger.

"Nephrite," she whispered, "I'm so glad you're alive... please... pinch me... I want to make sure this is real... "

The former general laughed out loud, startling Naru and then sending her into fits of giggles.

"I cannot pinch you," Nephrite laughed, "My hands still won't obey me enough for that..."

Naru giggled, and gently nuzzled into Nephrite's shoulder. She had never felt so safe and content, so completely happy...

Usually she would have been asleep in her own bed by then, but there she stayed, in Nephrite's warm embrace. It was just like that night, when they had that sweet moment of laughter under the tree... just seconds before the cruel ambush, and shortly before Nephrite breathed his last. The sweet man who died in her arms was now letting her use him as a pillow.

Naru shifted and turned over, then took Nephrite's hands in her own and ran her fingers over them again, in complete wonder. Nephrite's hands slowly grasped Naru's, stroking and squeezing them. She turned to look at Nephrite, and melted at the loving smile.

The young woman gently lifted Nephrite to a sitting position and propped him on the pillow. Nephrite gave her a puzzled look, but took her hand, smiling at the gesture. They sat there together, playing with each other's hands, and laughing without saying much. Naru was already taken, that was understood, but there was no harm in this familiarity and closeness.

"Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?" Naru whispered.

Nephrite chuckled softly.

"It is, Naru"

"Did you ever just look at the moon and stars sometimes, before you joined that evil organization?" Naru asked.

Nephrite reacted with laughter, as usual, to the question, and Naru joined in. After enjoying the laugh, Naru lay Nephrite back down and started flexing his legs and feet.

"Naru, why are you doing this so late at night?" Nephrite asked, "You should be in bed"

"I'll be back in bed in a little while," Naru giggled, as she absentmindedly kissed the foot she was massaging.

Nephrite watched, just happy to see her giving him so much affection and love. Almost immediately, Naru caught herself and blushed.

"I-I'm sorry..." she stammered, setting Nephrite's leg back down.

"It's okay," Nephrite chuckled, pointing to his chest "I feel it here..."

At that, Naru smiled, then returned to Nephrite's bed and his warm embrace. The moonlight shone on the two friends as they fell asleep in each other's arms. That night was the first night Naru slept in Nephrite's bed, and soon she would sleep with him more often.

They were destined to be more than friends, their blossoming love written in the stars.

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