Author’s Notes:

Don’t own Sailor Moon. Never have and never will. Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi. The characters Karen, Steven, Mongo, and Kristi are mine. Thanks to my best friend from school Moonbeam Princess for her wonderful ideas. Thanks to Moon Momma who beta read the story and for her wonderful suggested ideas.

The idea for writing this came when I was in my last year of high school back in 1997. I kept wondering how wonderful it’d be for all the Villains to return with a vengeance. And have all the good guys fight together to defeat the enemies. Another reason I started this story was from a dream I had. There’s one scene in Chapter 2 that was a dream. I took that dream and started writing it down in the form of Sailor Moon. Finally I began the beginning. It took me two years to write this story on paper. During my spare time when I was in college, I would write the story.

If you are confused as to why the Amazon Trio being in this fic, I suggest you to read “Return of the Amazon Trio”. In the fic it tells how they got back to Earth.

There are some things I added to the characters, for one, I gave Mina the power to read other people’s minds and see the future. This is the only novel that Amara and Michelle are together.

In my original peace I had Amara and Michelle as lesbians. But the way the story ends, I’ve decided to go with the English version of their relationship and make them close cousins. Of course when this was written it was way before season 3 was dubbed.

Return of the Negaverse
By Lady1Venus

Chapter 1 -- Problems Arise

* * * * * * * *

It was a hot Saturday in June. Though it felt like Summer, the season was still another week away. With the dry heat, Tokyo hadn’t seen rain for many days and from no rain, there were now warnings saying a fire could break out. Many children were thrilled about the heat, while the adults were dreading it. Especially adults were more concerned about the health and vegetation.  

A year had gone by since any dark forces rained any terror on the city of Tokyo, but that never stopped the Sailor Scouts. In the last four years, just as the scouts would start to enjoy their lives, something would show up and start terrorizing the city. They have gone too long with their happiness.  

With Greg, the third Rainbow Crystal Carrier from three years ago, returning to Tokyo to make a permanent home, he felt a lot safer. He was nearby the Sailor Scouts and he was willing to give a hand at the first sign of trouble. Since moving back, he found himself his own apartment. When he found the apartment, he learned Amy wasn’t living too far away from him. Once he was settled, he tracked down Amy and now was spending his first free day her. They were taking a walk in McKenna Park. Since Amy hadn’t seen him in three years, she couldn’t help but notice how manly he was. He was a lot taller than her, standing six foot two while she was only five foot five.

Amy was wearing a blue halter dress with white lace around the bodice and white sandals, while Greg wore a white muscle shirt, blue shorts and sneakers. They were walking hand in hand to a wooded area forest when they came into sight of a handful of sweaty, uniformed young girls.

Greg recognized the uniforms. "Amy, I have just recently been to Canada and from my excursions, I can tell that group is from Canada."

"I’ve never seen such uniforms before?" Greg's companion asked.

The young girls noticed Greg and Amy approach. One of them, clearly older, came up and asked, "Excuse me, but can you tell me which direction the entrance is?

"Sure. You just go straight." Amy pointed behind her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

As the group began to leave, Greg suddenly had a feeling of dread. Amy noticed something was off as she looked at him and saw a blank look. Suddenly he looked up, snapping out of his vision.

"What is it?" she asked.

Without bothering to look at her he pointed, "I see trouble developing," he whispered. "I think Sailor Mercury is needed."

Amy nodded.

"Is there a problem?" the leader asked, coming back. She noticed the man had a distressful look.

"No, not really,” Greg lied. “Why don't I lead you back to the entrance?"

"If you want to."

After they were gone, Amy turned to be sure there was no one else around. Seeing no one was in sight, she raised her right hand and shouted, "MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER!" With those words she turned into Sailor Mercury, an act she hoped she would never have to do again. "Ok, time to find out what Greg meant."

All of a sudden, a blazing fire started up. "Oh shit!"

Sailor Mercury touched her left earring, and her visor appeared around her eyes. She also got out her pocket size computer. With her main source of detective work, she ran into the woods trying to pinpoint where the fire started. As she ran, she had to be careful into not running into the walls of flame. Her visor guided her until she was in the center and the fire completely surrounded her.

"I've got to stop this. MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!" The fire was out within seconds. Afterwards, her fingers danced on her computer, which showed her an image of what started the fire. She looked around, and found it at her feet. She bent down and picked up the item when three firemen suddenly appeared.

One of the men shouted, "What the hell is...Sailor Mercury?!"

The man was the head chief. Mercury stood holding the item, which felt cold through her gloves. "I seen the fire start up and since I was in the area, decided to stop it. And I just found this." She held her hand out to reveal a half burnt lighter. Why is this so cold? Could this be the work of the Negaverse? she wondered.

"Thank you, Sailor Mercury. We will have this taken to the police to be analyzed." The chief went to take the lighter away when Mercury snatched her hand away.

"This might be the work of the Negaverse, and if it is, the Sailor Scouts are the only ones able to stop them," she snapped.

"It belongs to the police," the chief argued.

Mercury was about to argue more when Greg came into view. She wished that he would help her by creating a distraction.

One of the firemen saw Greg. "Get out of here, boy! This is no place for you."

Greg ignored the man and walked up to the chief. "I’m a friend of Sailor Mercury’s and I was heading here to meet with her."

Another fireman walked up and asked, "What is your name?"

"Greg Urawa."

With Greg having the attention of the firemen, Sailor Mercury decided to make herself scarce. She quickly ducked behind a half burnt tree and jumped into the trees. From there she quickly used her stealth skills to jump from tree to tree until she was far enough away from the men.

"Hey, where is Sailor Mercury? She has evidence." The chief turned.

"What if Sailor Mercury is right? Sailor Scouts, after all, are the only ones who can stop this alien invasion," the third fireman said.

"Well," the chief started. "Maybe she is wrong."

"Why would a Sailor Scout lie, or even be wrong for that matter?" Greg came up in Mercury's defence.

The firemen had forgotten Greg was still there, until he spoke.

"All right, Mr. Urawa, you said your piece, now you are to leave," the chief commanded.

"Ok, ok, I'm leaving." Greg turned.

* * * * * * * *

When Sailor Mercury got home, she quickly changed before her father returned home. With her parents divorced she was staying with her father who had moved back only a year ago, her mother was at a medical conference in England. She sat on the sofa, wanting to analyze the burnt lighter. Wanting some background sound, she turned the TV on in time to catch the news.

"Earlier today a fire broke out in McKenna Park. The firemen say..." Amy turned off the TV. She didn’t need to hear the broadcast as she was already there.

Taking the chance that the McKenna Park fire was on almost all stations, she decided to keep the TV off and began to inspect the lighter. The lighter that she found at the park was on the coffee table in front of her. When she went to pick it up, it turned to dust within seconds.

" Negaverse!" she blurted. There was no other way to explain it, lighters just don’t turn to dust.

"How very observant of you, Sailor Mercury," a female voice answered from all around the room.

Amy jumped. "Who are you? Where are you?!" Amy hollered.

"Ohh, the bookworm has a voice. I’ll give you a hint. You were nearly defeated by giant plants. That was until you turned them against their mother.”

“Mother? Plants?” Amy thought for a moment. She gasped at the realization. “Tellulu!”

“That’s right. You do have a brain.”

"How did you set the fire?" Amy snapped, turning about the room, hoping she wasn’t going to jumped from behind.

"Oh, come now,” Tellulu chuckled. “I thought you were the brains of the scouts. I saw you earlier today with your male friend."

"How did you...?" Amy mumbled, then it hit her. "You disguised yourself as the woman with the group of uniformed girls!"

"You are smart. Well here’s something you should be able to grasp easily enough. Next time we’ll hit closer to home. And tell Sailor Moon, or I should say Serena. ‘Watch your back’.”

"What does she have to do with this?"

"Besides being the Moon Princess and the keeper of the Silver Crystal, you’ll see. We're back." Tellulu laughed evilly. But the laugh didn’t last long as the laugh died quickly as if she had disappeared.

When Amy knew Tellulu was gone, she lifted her wristwatch and pushed a button, turning it into a communicator. "Need a meeting immediately. Come to my place." Her voice was urgent. "We have major problems."

"Amy, what's up?" Serena appeared.

"I'll tell you when you get here."

"We're practically there." The communicator went dead.

"Better let Greg know." Amy walked over to the phone and dialed Greg's number. As she waited for Greg to answer, she wondered how Greg had known she wanted a diversion earlier. By the third ring, Greg answered.

"Greg, we have problems."

"Amy, is that you? You sound like you're trembling."

"Yes." Amy said cautiously. Normally she wasn’t so panicky but hearing Tellulu who was suppose to dead, brought out of a fear she never knew she had. "I just had a run-in with someone who is suppose to be dead. She started the fire by disguising herself the uniformed girls."

"Who was it?”

“Tellulu. We only fought her once and she was defeated when her own plants attacked her instead. Plus the lighter - the evidence I found - turned to dust. I've called a meeting. Please be here," she responded nervously.

"I'm on my way." He hung up the phone.

Amy placed the receiver back. She knew peace and happiness wouldn’t last for long. With Tellulu back, it brought up a big question how did she come back and what did she mean ‘we’re back’? She thought of all the different times they fought Beryl's generals, never truly understanding the power of the Negaverse. Even after they were defeated and many other enemies rained down Tokyo, if never occurred that the evil powers could bring the dead back. There was one thing she noticed, all the enemies they had since Beryl had the same attack pattern. They were all boring compared to Beryl. Perhaps it was due to the fact Beryl was an enemy even back during the Moon Kingdom days.

Amy's thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone was at her door. "Who is it?"

"Amy, it's us," Serena replied.

"Come in." Amy realized that she was deep in thought for a while.

As Serena opened the door, she motioned for everyone to follow. "Hurry, before anyone comes. It’s not normal to see so many teenagers come at once."

When they were in the apartment, Amy escorted them into the living room. Amy also noticed Greg was there with them.

"Amy, tell us what this is all about," Amara replied impatiently.

Amy looked everyone over while she explained in detail what happened at the park and in the room, leaving only one thing out.

"Tellulu!" everyone shouted.

"Yes, Tellulu. Plus she gave me a message and I quote, ‘And tell Sailor Moon, or I should say Serena. ‘Watch your back’.' She also said we're back. I don't know what the message means, but I assume when she says we're back it means..."

"The Negaverse," Greg finished. Amy nodded

"Why would the message be directed at me?" Serena wondered.

"Think about it. You're the leader!" Raye snapped

"Well, whatever they're up to, it probably has to do with one of us," Michelle said.

"Serena, your parents are away, aren't they?" Darien asked.

"Yes. Why, Darien?"

"Well, maybe they are after them."

"I don't think so," Lita replied, sitting down on the sofa.

"That could explain the fire. She started the fire because it is our favorite hangout spot," Trista added, sitting beside Lita.

Oh, that's the other detail I haven't mentioned. She set the fire while disguised as a Canadian.

"Ok, let's calm down. You've handled this before."

"Greg's right. We don't know what Tellulu's intentions are. But we do know someone is in danger," Mina responded.

"Greg, there is something I wanted to ask you. When you were discovered, how did you know I wanted to get out of there?"

"You spoke to me in my mind."

"Whoa, folks. Greg, are you saying you picked up on Amy's thoughts like Mina?" Amara said.


"But Mina is the only who can mind talk," Hotaru replied.

"Ok, ok. This is confusing. The Negaverse is back, Greg can read minds like Mina," Lita paused and looked at her blond friend. "What is it, Mina?" Everyone looked towards Mina who stared out the window with wide eyes.

"Oh my god!" Mina gasped. "I don't think Tellulu is all we have to worry about." She placed her hands over her mouth.

Knowing that she had everyone’s attention, she knew she had to continue. Giving herself a few moments to calm down, she turned away from the window and looked at her friends. "It's either just me, or I just saw Malachite."

"Malachite!" the Inner Scouts shouted.

"Who's Malachite?" Amara asked.

"Remember when we told you about Queen Beryl? Well Malachite was one of her strongest warriors," answered Darien calmly. He walked over to Mina. He placed his hands on her trembling hands. "Mina, are you sure?"

She nodded, "Positive. He was the only one..." she paused, "who had bleach blond hair and a cape." No one knew this but she had something on the evil general that she swore she would never reveal. She would take the secret to her grave.

"He wasn't the only one with a cape. Prince Diamond had a cape as well," Trista added.

Not wanting to hear anymore past enemies, Serena stood. "All right. Here's the plan. We will go the temple and have a fire reading and stay together. Tellulu is, I'm sure, after one of us. Why else would she burn our park? Plus it would have to be someone in Tokyo. My parents are out of town. They'll be gone for a week."

As everyone agreed to meet at the temple, someone or something opened the door. The girls immediately were ready to power up.

"Amy, I'm...home." Amy's father jumped.

"Hold it! It's just Mr. Mizuno." Raye jumped up, flinging her arms up to stop the others.

"I didn't know homes were being robbed on this side of town."

"Well..." Amy started.

"No, it is isn't that. It's just we like to stay on the alert where ever we're at," Greg finished.

"Well, I think we all have things to do. So, see you later, Amy." Amara said.

As everyone got up to leave, Darien and Serena helped Mina out. "See you later," Amy replied back as everyone got out the door. When everyone was gone, Amy started to get supper. As she was preparing super, she was thinking of a way to change the subject as to why there was a meeting in the apartment, before anything was said. "So, Dad, how was your day?"

* * * * * * * *

No one said a word as they walked out of the apartment building. Darien and Serena were still holding on to Mina. Raye was in the lead. Everyone else surrounded the trio. As they walked onto the street, which was usually empty at this time of day, they scattered a bit. Mina took a glimpse across the street and let out a scream, then fainted. Darien reacted quickly, and caught her. As Mina screamed, Serena, looked in the same direction as Mina and caught a glimpsed of a shadowy figure with a cape. Everyone turned and rushed over to Mina's aid.

"Is she all right?" Raye called out.

"Yes, I think so." Serena kneeled down to check for a pulse. "She only fainted, so here's the plan. Greg, I want you to stay with Amy. The rest of us will divide into partners. No one goes anywhere without the other." Looking at everyone she decided what to do. "Amara, Michelle, you two will be no problem. Trista, Hotaru feels more comfortable around you. So that leaves Lita and Raye. Darien and I will take Mina to my place. We will all meet up at the temple as soon as supper is over. Understood?"


"Good. Let's move. We don't have much time before this street is full of people," Serena quickly answered. Darien picked up Mina and, with Serena following, headed towards his car. Everyone else broke off in his or her direction. Raye and Lita went to the nearest bus stop, Amara and Michelle to their car and Trista and Hotaru headed for their apartment, a block away from Amy's.

* * * * * * * *

Over in the alleyway three young, or young-looking, men watched the whole scene. They knew the Inner personally and heard of the Outer Scouts. They also knew the scouts were in danger. After the scouts were gone, they faced each other to discuss their plans. One of the men, the tallest, was clearly the leader. He had bleach blond hair and wore a cape. The shortest man had long sandy blond hair in a loose ponytail. The middle man had short blond hair.

"Ok." The tallest at last spoke. "They've seen me. Which is what I wanted. I want you to go to the OSAP and keep an eye on Molly Baker. We need her to free him and to do that she needs to go to her work, the museum," he said to the middle man.

"That should be easy, since she usually is there every night even when she isn’t working. I really don't know why."

"Whatever the reason is, I bet she'll tell him. When she finds him, meet us at the temple," the tallest answered. "I want you," he pointed to the shortest, "to go to the temple and wait. I’m sure something is going to happen tonight. And be sure no one, especially the grandfather, sees you. He might remember you."

"Right. What are you going to do?" the shortest asked.

"I'm going to follow the Princess of Venus."

"You love her, don't you?"

The tallest nodded. "Yes, I do, and I will do everything in my power to protect her. Something's bothering her. She's afraid of something and it worries me. I've noticed she's been distant since the Starlights left. Sailor Venus is one of the fearless fighters. The others, at one point or another, had a fear, but not her. Not until now."

"Do you think maybe she remembers something from the Moon?" the middle man asked.

"I doubt it. Sailor Pluto is the only one who remembers everything. Sailor Venus acts like something happened in recent years." The other two glared at him. "Besides *that*. But it is also like she doesn't remember, like either it was horrible enough that she doesn't want to remember or her memory was erased. She will not transform unless it is necessary.

"Anyway, we should get going. They'll be having supper between now and six. Let's go!" The three men disappeared into the shadows just as people started walking into the alley.

* * * * * * * *

When Darien arrived at Serena's, he carried Mina into the house, while Serena made sure the car doors were shut and the front door unlocked before Darien got there. When they were in, Serena spoke for the first time since they left Amy's. "Luna, Artemis."

Both cats came flying out of the kitchen at warp speed. They stopped with a skid when they saw Mina unconscious in Darien's arms.

"What happened?"

"Don't really know," Serena replied. "Mina screamed then collapsed. I think she saw Malachite at Amy's, during the meeting."

"Malachite? But he's dead," Artemis spat.

Serena continued as Darien placed Mina on the sofa. "But that is the one problem. We have a bigger problem, actually major. Tellulu is back."

"What? Then that means..." Luna jumped.

"Everyone could be alive. How we do not know?" Darien finished.

"How is she?" Serena asked, walking over to Darien.

"She should pull through. Serena, call Amy. She should know we're here and will head over to the temple after Mina regains consciousness," Darien said.

As Serena turned to head to the phone, Darien grabbed her hand. "I know I have been bossy and distant lately, it's just that I know you don't really know how handle certain situations." He paused for a moment to bring her hand to his lips. "I love you, my Meatball Head."

"I love you too, Muffin," she replied, and then went to the phone.

"Darien, what happened during the meeting?" Artemis asked. He jumped upon the coffee table, walked over to the sofa, and sat on Mina's stomach. Whenever she had not being feeling well or she would faint, he would sit on her stomach to allow his heat relieve any tension.

As Darien started telling Luna and Artemis what happened, Serena dialed Amy's number. As she waited for the phone to be answered, she wondered, What if Mina's right? What if Malachite is back and she fainted because of him? All of a sudden she heard the phone being answered.


"Hi, Amy," Serena answered back. "Mina will be all right."

"Good. Where are you?"

"Home. We will be leaving after Mina regains consciousness."

"What about supper?"

"We'll get something on the way."

"Greg wanted me to tell you, Mina left her purse here. We'll bring it with us."

"That's odd."

"What's odd, Serena?" Artemis asked.

Serena removed her head away from the receiver, "Mina left her purse at Amy's."

"Well, that is odd," Luna commented.

"I agree," Darien said. "I haven't seen Mina without a purse since before the Quartet or Trio came to town."

Serena went back to the phone. "Sorry about that."

"What did Artemis ask?"

"He wanted to know why I said, 'That's odd.'"

"Well, it is weird. There is a picture of a little boy about the age of three in it. When Greg found it the picture was on the floor beside the purse like it fell out."

"Well, that is..." Serena started, but Darien interrupted her.

"Serena. Mina is waking up," Darien called out.

"Gotta go. Mina is waking up."

"Ok. I'll see you later, at the temple. Bye."

Serena placed the receiver back, then rushed over to the sofa. Mina made some soft noises and slowly opened her eyes to Darien kneeling beside her. Luna was on the back of the sofa, and she heard Serena rush over.

"Where am I?" the blonde asked

"You're at my place," Serena responded, coming into view. She placed one hand on Mina's hand, the other on Darien's.

"What happened?" Mina asked, sitting up with Darien's help. The movement forced Artemis to move off her stomach but he only moved as far as her legs. He was worried for his mistress.

"I caught you when you fainted from screaming," Darien answered.

"We're heading to Raye's when you're up to it. But we will head to your place first," Serena replied.

"Ok, let's go," Mina said.

"I don't think so. You're still a little weak," Luna responded.

"Mina, I have a question," Serena asked, sitting on the sofa. "You left your purse at Amy's. There's a picture of a little boy, about the age of three, and it fell out. Who's the baby?"

That provoked her into action. "Oh my God!" She didn't realize Artemis was on her and he went flying. Darien caught him upside down in mid flight.

"Mina, calm down," Serena said in distress. "I was just asking."

Mina didn't know what to say. I can't let them know. She thought for a few moments and finally came up with an answer, after calming down. "Oh it is...just a picture from a friend. I helped her adopt a baby. But they were killed last year, on their way to Florida for a summer vacation," she replied sadly, almost crying.

"Amy is bringing your purse to the temple," Serena said.

"Well, let's go. Now." Mina jumped up off the sofa before Serena nor Darien could stop her. She started to walk towards the door. Darien was amazed at how she jumped and had all her strength. It was like she was holding something back, like she wasn't telling the whole truth.

* * * * * * * *

return to Index / go to Chapter 2

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury